PremyslTalich / TeamGames

Sourcemod plugin providing team based games for prisoners and some useful things for wardens.
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[phrases]"{1} moved all players to red team!" after "Everyone into Red team" #28

Closed SHAREN closed 8 years ago

SHAREN commented 8 years ago

please do so when you move into the team, the message is dispatched to chat with one at all players, not for each player individually. for example: instead sharen Player 1 moved in the red team sharen Player 2 moved in the red team sharen moved 3 player in the team red sharen moved 4 player in the team red do this way: sharen moved all the players in the team red

I've already done the blank phrases:

    "PlayerMove-RedTeamALL" // msg for all players when player {1} moved all players to team red
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} moved all players to{tg-redteam} red {default} team!"
        "ru"        "{1} переместил всех в команду {tg-redteam} красных!"
    "PlayerMove-FiftyFiftyAll" // msg for all players when player {1} moved all players to both teams
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} divided into 2 teams all!"
        "ru"        "{1} поделил всех на 2 команды!"
    "PlayerMove-NoneTeamAll" // msg for all players when all players was moved out of any team
        "en"        "All players expelled from the team!"
        "ru"        "Всех игроков исключили из команды!"

P.S. and additionals for ru translation

PremyslTalich commented 8 years ago

Goes on my TODO list, thx.

PremyslTalich commented 8 years ago

Done -, and