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Links pointing to section/pages in user-manual/adv-help are broken on PSAP-Stage #353

Closed suhailsheth closed 7 years ago

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago

Links which are directed to any section/page of the user-manual or advance-help in the new Collection ID Guide content seems to have a problem. For example, link to "Use and Access" section in the user-manual has to be "/manual#useaccess" (this is what is in the HTML page), but on the PSAP-Stage website it seems to be "/collection-id-guide/manual#useaccess". So basically, "/collection-id-guide" is somehow being added to the links pointing outside the collection-id-guide.

adolski commented 7 years ago

I think this is fixed now, @suhailsheth. Can you test again (on psap-stage) and make sure?

If it's still not working, please post the URL of a page where it is happening, and let me know which link on the page is not working. Otherwise, please close this issue. Thanks.

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago

@adolski It seems to be fixed for most of the links, but I found one which is still not working. The page is -> and the link is in the last line of the third para -> In the HTML it points to "/collection-id-guide/objectmaterials".

Another link on page -> and the link is "adhesives"

So the issue seems to be that, it is now removing the "/collection-id-guide/".

adolski commented 7 years ago

That link will need to be changed in the HTML. When linking within a component (like from one CIDG page to another) the link should not include the path. Examples:

This link is written as <a href="/collection-id-guide/objectmaterials">, so it should be changed to <a href="objectmaterials.html">. This new link will work within the CIDG folder bundle, and the application will strip off the .html automatically.

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago

OK, understood. Thanks

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago

I have a doubt, @adolski . How to I link from Adv-help page to CIDG page?

adolski commented 7 years ago

<a href="/collection-id-guide/pagename">

This link won't work in the bundle, but it will work when it gets into the application.

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago


The link to the "handling objects" under the training header in the adv-help ceramics page ( on the PSAP-Stage Site is <a href="/museumobjects#handleobjects">

BUT, in the HTML it is <a href ="/collection-id-guide/museumobjects#handleobjects">. I am not sure where I am going wrong or maybe the application is stripping of "/collection-id-guide/" in the adv-help page as well? Please let me know. Thanks.

adolski commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed now; please reopen if you notice any more problems. We didn't have any cross-component links in the past, so this functionality wasn't tested.

suhailsheth commented 7 years ago


The cross-links within components of the CIDG are not working now. I had modified the links in the HTML from <a href="/collection-id-guide/page#section"> to <a href="page.html#section">. All such links now point to instead of

adolski commented 7 years ago

Fixed on psap-stage