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"More Information" links in Location (and sometimes Institution) help boxes not working #357

Closed spelczar closed 7 years ago

spelczar commented 7 years ago

On BOTH the staged site and the live PSAP: in the Location assessment box: if click on (?) icon, and then "more information" hyperlink: always goes to "not found page". Not sure where the Location advanced help HTML files are -- they're not with the format-AdvHelp HTML files on the G drive.

Also note: this is an issue for the "more information" links in the HELP boxes for INSTITUTION questions too, but only on the STAGED site, NOT on the live PSAP.

adolski commented 7 years ago

It looks like there used to be files called location.html and institution.html in the advanced help bundle, but they got deleted, for some reason. I managed to pull the latest versions I have out of git, and place them back in the AdvHelp Ext folder for you to do with as you wish. location.html is from 4/23/2015 (it had been renamed supplementary-location.html if it matters) and institution.html is from 5/25/2015.

If you want to keep them, they will get pulled in on the next ingest. Looks like this will fix all of these "more information" links, so I will close this issue.