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Make "Assess" buttons green, and conditional (if possible) #362

Closed spelczar closed 7 years ago

spelczar commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to make some more "Assess" buttons green on the following pages: 1) "Assess Institution" in institution screen assessinstitutionscreen

2) "Assess Location" in repository screen (this one is particularly important, since users' eyes are already drawn to the green "Add Resource to Assess" - they don't know that they need to Assess the Location first. assessrepositoryscreen

3) "Assess [item]" in individual item screen assessresourcescreen

Even better if we could make these green conditionally - for example: if someone has just created a new institution, then the "Assess Institution" button is GREEN because they still need to do that step. But once they've assessed the institution, the button can go white again.