Press-Play-On-Tape / PrinceOfArabia

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Jumping small gaps #162

Open ace-dent opened 1 year ago

ace-dent commented 1 year ago

Tested with Version 1.01 Beta 016, Sim.


ace-dent commented 1 year ago


filmote commented 1 year ago

In the top image, you are jumping from the third tile back from the gap .. no wonder you are not making the leap.

In the second, you are jumping from the the second tile back so effectively the same distance.

How far do you expect the player to jump? In most scenarios its three tiles but sometimes four where you drop to a lower level.

ace-dent commented 1 year ago

I should add: Neither of these jumps were contrived- I was making these jumps having speed-ran the level many times. Perhaps it's just an issue with my style but I wonder what other players/ testers have experienced?...

Looking back at the recordings, I guess two things make it seem 'unfair':

  1. The prince's foot just touches the edge of the platform- so this should be an allowable jump(?).
  2. The prince falls down right next to the side- why doesn't the prince grab the ledge here?

This issue came about after eliminating 'air walking': where the prince's jump would visibly land mid-air, before the platform, and be allowable. I'm suggesting this needs to be dialled back a little.

MrBlinky commented 1 year ago

I ran into these jumps too. If the prince would grab the ledge I wouldn't give it much thought but now it feals unfear. Especially when you can jump from a standing position over 4 gaps and can grab the ledge. I prefere air walking over this.

filmote commented 1 year ago

Faaaaark .. really, you too :)

OK, I will have a look at them on the weekend.

MrBlinky commented 1 year ago

Well regardless of our opinions, one thing is for sure. you need to work on those jumps again (latest beta):



On the good side, I freed some more bytes. Enough room for a fix I'd say ;)

filmote commented 1 year ago

Fixed in Beta 18