PrestaShop / docker

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DB reinstalled even if the value of $PS_ERASE_DB and $PS_INSTALL_DB is 0 #327

Open devphoenix2404 opened 1 year ago

devphoenix2404 commented 1 year ago

Hi team,

I am facing an issue, where the DB dropped even if the value of the $PS_ERASE_DB and $PS_INSTALL_DB is 0.



if [ "$DB_SERVER" = "" -a $PS_INSTALL_AUTO = 1 ]; then echo >&2 'error: You requested automatic PrestaShop installation but MySQL server address is not provided ' echo >&2 ' You need to specify DB_SERVER in order to proceed' exit 1 elif [ "$DB_SERVER" != "" -a $PS_INSTALL_AUTO = 1 ]; then echo "\n Checking if $DB_SERVER is available..." mysql -h $DB_SERVER -P $DB_PORT -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWD -e "status" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "\n DB server $DB_SERVER is available, let's continue !" fi

From now, stop at error

set -e

if [ ! -f ./config/ ] && [ ! -f ./install.lock ]; then

echo "\n* Setting up install lock file..."
touch ./install.lock

echo "\n* Reapplying PrestaShop files for enabled volumes ...";

if [ -d /tmp/data-ps ]; then
    # init if empty
    cp -n -R -p /tmp/data-ps/prestashop/* /var/www/html

if [ -f /tmp/ ]; then
    cp -n -p /tmp/ /var/www/html/config/

if [ -d /tmp/pre-install-scripts/ ]; then
    echo "\n* Running pre-install script(s)..."

    for i in `ls /tmp/pre-install-scripts/`;do
    echo "\n* No pre-install script found, let's continue..."

if [ $PS_FOLDER_INSTALL != "install" ] && [ -d /var/www/html/install ]; then
    echo "\n* Renaming install folder as $PS_FOLDER_INSTALL ...";
    mv /var/www/html/install /var/www/html/$PS_FOLDER_INSTALL/

if [ $PS_FOLDER_ADMIN != "admin" ] && [ -d /var/www/html/admin ]; then
    echo "\n* Renaming admin folder as $PS_FOLDER_ADMIN ...";
    mv /var/www/html/admin /var/www/html/$PS_FOLDER_ADMIN/

if [ $PS_HANDLE_DYNAMIC_DOMAIN = 1 ]; then
    cp /tmp/docker_updt_ps_domains.php /var/www/html
    sed -ie "s/DirectoryIndex\ index.php\ index.html/DirectoryIndex\ docker_updt_ps_domains.php\ index.php\ index.html/g" $APACHE_CONFDIR/conf-available/docker-php.conf

if [ $PS_ERASE_DB = 1 ]; then
    echo "\n* Drop mysql database...";
    echo "\n* Dropping existing database $DB_NAME..."
    mysql -h $DB_SERVER -P $DB_PORT -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWD -e "drop database if exists $DB_NAME;"

if [ $PS_INSTALL_DB = 1 ]; then
    echo "\n* Create mysql database...";
    echo "\n* Creating database $DB_NAME..."
    mysqladmin -h $DB_SERVER -P $DB_PORT -u $DB_USER create $DB_NAME -p$DB_PASSWD --force;

if [ $PS_INSTALL_AUTO = 1 ]; then
    echo "\n* Installing PrestaShop, this may take a while ...";

    if [ "$PS_DOMAIN" = "<to be defined>" ]; then
        export PS_DOMAIN=$(hostname -i)

    echo "\n* Launching the installer script..."
    runuser -g www-data -u www-data -- php -d memory_limit=-1 /var/www/html/$PS_FOLDER_INSTALL/index_cli.php \
    --domain="$PS_DOMAIN" --db_server=$DB_SERVER:$DB_PORT --db_name="$DB_NAME" --db_user=$DB_USER \
    --db_password=$DB_PASSWD --prefix="$DB_PREFIX" --firstname="Hello" --lastname="Testing" \
    --password=$ADMIN_PASSWD --email="$ADMIN_MAIL" --language=$PS_LANGUAGE --country=$PS_COUNTRY \
    --all_languages=$PS_ALL_LANGUAGES --newsletter=1 --send_email=0 --ssl=$PS_ENABLE_SSL

    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo 'warning: PrestaShop installation failed.'
        echo "\n* Removing install folder..."
        rm -r /var/www/html/$PS_FOLDER_INSTALL/

if [ -d /tmp/post-install-scripts/ ]; then
    echo "\n* Running post-install script(s)..."

    for i in `ls /tmp/post-install-scripts/`;do
    echo "\n* No post-install script found, let's continue..."

echo "\n* Setup completed, removing lock file..."
rm ./install.lock

elif [ ! -f ./config/ ] && [ -f ./install.lock ]; then

echo "\n* Another setup is currently running..."
sleep 10
exit 42

elif [ -f ./config/ ] && [ -f ./install.lock ]; then

echo "\n* Shop seems setup but remaining install lock still present..."
sleep 10
exit 42

else echo "\n* PrestaShop Core already installed..."; fi

if [ $PS_DEMO_MODE -ne 0 ]; then echo "\n* Enabling DEMO mode ..."; sed -ie "s/define('_PS_MODEDEMO', false);/define('_PS_MODEDEMO',\ true);/g" /var/www/html/config/ fi

echo "\n* Almost ! Starting web server now\n";

if [ -d /tmp/init-scripts/ ]; then echo "\n Running init script(s)..." for i in ls /tmp/init-scripts/;do /tmp/init-scripts/$i done else echo "\n No init script found, let's continue..." fi

echo "\n* Set the ownership..." chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/modules

exec apache2-foreground `

thomasnares commented 1 year ago

Did you created a volume for your mysql container data to be persisted ?

A guide is coming soon (by the end of the week) on devdocs to use Docker with PrestaShop, with database/installation persistence. Will keep you updated 👍