PrestoXen / openopera-issues

Issue tracker for OpenOpera
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Remove references to Opera's servers in the code #5

Open Zero3K opened 7 years ago

Zero3K commented 7 years ago

This should be done to make sure that Opera doesn't know we're using a customized version of their browser.

TCH68k commented 6 years ago

Would not be 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts' enough?

Zero3K commented 4 years ago

I still think this should be done to make casual people use it with no repercussions.

comradekingu commented 4 years ago

@Zero3K The prerequisite issue to solve is gaining rights to do anything with the source.

Zero3K commented 4 years ago

That won't happen.

amcgregor commented 4 years ago

The only real option if you want something publicly releasable is to have a red team and a back team. The red team have access to the… acquired… sources, read them, grok them, and are legally tainted by them. They build design documents for the black team to reimplement, who, being untainted, have no legal ties back to the original source.

This is not a minor project to try this on, vs., say, early examples of this being done to engineer IBM-compatible BIOSes and Intel-compatible chipsets. (Where there is case law to back up the legality of clean-room reimplementation for the purpose of compatibility.)