PretendoNetwork / archival-tools

A collection of tools dedicated to archiving several types of data from many Nintendo WiiU and 3DS games
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spotpass: Add url generator scripts #27

Closed MisterSheeple closed 3 months ago

MisterSheeple commented 3 months ago

These are modified versions of the scrape scripts that instead print URLs to console. This is just something quick and dirty I've created for sending urls to the internet archive. Do note that like the scrapers, it makes use of the database, so make sure it isn't being used with the same db you're downloading with.

jonbarrow commented 3 months ago

What exactly is the point of this? The data itself is being archived, what's the point in archiving the URLs? The URLs can also be reconstructed from the archived files, as they get saved in a way that mimics the URL path. Also I don't understand what the point of all the console logs are, especially in the 3DS script? They don't seem to do anything

MisterSheeple commented 3 months ago

What exactly is the point of this? The data itself is being archived, what's the point in archiving the URLs? The URLs can also be reconstructed from the archived files, as they get saved in a way that mimics the URL path. Also I don't understand what the point of all the console logs are, especially in the 3DS script? They don't seem to do anything

It's so that the URLs can be easily scraped externally by people who aren't directly familiar with the project, using a Warrior or something similar. The console logs are for outputting the URLs because I didn't feel like implementing actual file writing today.