PretentiousOnPurpose / PolarCodesForNR

CRC-Aided Polar Codes for 5G New Radio
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Verification of modules - unit testing #2

Open PretentiousOnPurpose opened 1 year ago

PretentiousOnPurpose commented 1 year ago

Develop unit tests with test cases for all modules, individually and the entire system as well.

PretentiousOnPurpose commented 1 year ago

Need to test all modules with specific test cases (mostly generated from MATLAB)

  1. NR_CRC_Encoder and Decoder
  2. NR_PC Encoder and Decoder
  3. NR_PC_Interleaver and Deinterleaver
  4. NR_PC_RateMatch and Recovery
  5. PC Utility funtions.
  6. Any other functional blocks
PretentiousOnPurpose commented 1 year ago
  1. Testing of AWGN and Binary Symmetric Channel modules is completed.