Prezent / doctrine-translatable

Translatable behaviour extension for Doctrine2
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Nullable return types: don't omit return statements #35

Closed barthy-koeln closed 5 years ago

barthy-koeln commented 5 years ago

Dear Prezent Team,

I just stumbled across a bug after upgrading the prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle to v1.0.7, which updated this bundle to v2.0.0.

Error message:

Return value of Prezent\Doctrine\Translatable\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver::loadMetadataForClass() must be an instance of Metadata\ClassMetadata or null, none returned

My research has led me to this specific change in AnnotationDriver.php on line 47 of PR #33:

+ public function loadMetadataForClass(\ReflectionClass $class): ?ClassMetadata

Since the method now has a nullable, but typed return value, it cannot omit the return statement any more, despite the following statement:

If the return is omitted the value NULL will be returned.


The 'Nullable Types' segment in ''PHP 7.1 New Features' has the following comment:

Note that declaring nullable return type does not mean that you can skip return statement at all.


Now if none of the two conditions in the aforementioned method is true, the function will terminate without returning the required value of null or ClassMetadata.

I suggest adding return null; at the end of the method. I can submit a pull request if desired.

sandermarechal commented 5 years ago

Thank you. Fixed in 2.0.1.