An open‑source software for Multi-GNSS PPP ambiguity resolution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How can I run the software with multiple observation files? #19

Open SquirrelKnight opened 7 months ago

SquirrelKnight commented 7 months ago


First, I'd like to thank the developers for making this software. I have been testing my data with RTKlib, and PRIDE-PPPAR eases a lot of the pre-processing steps (downloading ephemerides, etc.), so that is much appreciated!

Now to my question. I was wondering how I can input multiple observation files from one directory to the pdp3 module. Currently, I have one directory with multiple observation files formatted similar to this ('323855_001_20210902_000322_00114_NOV770.21O'). The time series extends for multiple weeks and is of a moving autonomous platform on the sea surface. I have tried something as simple as 'pdp3 -n WG21 ./*O', but I just get this in return "pdp3: invalid argument -- './323855_001_20210829_152548_00109_NOV770.21O'".

It would be wonderful if these files could be run as part of the same procedure, since I would like to avoid any sudden changes in position caused by the break in time by the files. If it is not possible, I could likely merge the files with gfzrnx, but I figured that I would ask here first!

Thank you for your time.

-Sincerely, Jesse

PrideLab commented 7 months ago

Jesse, You can send us this question to We usually don't read the blogs here. We have the function to process multiple days of data.

Best, Jianghui