Priler / jarvis

Voice assistant made as an experiment using neural networks for things like STT/TTS/Wake Word/NLU etc.
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не получается сбилдить джарвиса #119

Open tapokXD opened 3 months ago

tapokXD commented 3 months ago

error: failed to run custom build command for jarvis-app v0.0.3 (C:\Windows\System32\jarvis\gui\src-tauri)

Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: C:\Windows\System32\jarvis\gui\src-tauri\target\release\build\jarvis-app-06c34df7c0fe7239\build-script-build (exit code: 1) --- stdout cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=TAURI_CONFIG cargo:rerun-if-changed=tauri.conf.json cargo:rustc-cfg=desktop path matching commands not found. warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... Error failed to build app: failed to build app

ShyDamn commented 3 months ago


Открываешь jarvis-master/gui Возвращаешься на главную ветку jarvis-master npm install --save package.json, следующей командой npm install --save package-lock.json Устанавливаешь npm install -g tauri Устанавливаешь npm install -g @roxi/routify routify добавляешь в PATH. Он находится по пути C:\Users\Твой_Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@roxi\routify Переходишь в ветку app Устанавливаешь cargo install --force cargo-make cargo make release ./target/release/jarvis-app И не забудь скачать себе Picovoice, vosk, node и установить rust Приятного пользования

ilyamixaltik commented 1 month ago


Открываешь jarvis-master/gui Возвращаешься на главную ветку jarvis-master npm install --save package.json, следующей командой npm install --save package-lock.json Устанавливаешь npm install -g tauri Устанавливаешь npm install -g @roxi/routify routify добавляешь в PATH. Он находится по пути C:\Users\Твой_Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@roxi\routify Переходишь в ветку app Устанавливаешь cargo install --force cargo-make cargo make release ./target/release/jarvis-app И не забудь скачать себе Picovoice, vosk, node и установить rust Приятного пользования

Вопрос на засыпку, а зачем устанавливать то зависимости глобально?

nikola-droid commented 1 week ago

error: failed to select a version for gtk-sys. ... required by package libappindicator v0.8.0 ... which satisfies dependency libappindicator = "^0.8" of package tray-icon v0.5.2 ... which satisfies dependency tray-icon = "^0.5.1" of package jarvis-app v0.0.3 (C:\Users\NikolaEng\jarvis-master\app) versions that meet the requirements ^0.16 are: 0.16.0

the package gtk-sys links to the native library gtk-3, but it conflicts with a previous package which links to gtk-3 as well: package gtk-sys v0.18.0 ... which satisfies dependency gtk-sys = "^0.18.0" of package webkit2gtk v2.0.1 ... which satisfies dependency webkit2gtk = "=2.0.1" of package tauri v2.0.0-beta.16 ... which satisfies dependency tauri = "=2.0.0-beta.16" of package jarvis-app v0.0.3 (C:\Users\NikolaEng\jarvis-master\app) Only one package in the dependency graph may specify the same links value. This helps ensure that only one copy of a native library is linked in the final binary. Try to adjust your dependencies so that only one package uses the links = "gtk-3" value. For more information, see

failed to select a version for gtk-sys which could resolve this conflict
