Prime-arys / Speed-Pitch-changer-extension

Modify the speed with the pitch of a web video/audio.
MIT License
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Fix Messed Up Video Problem for high pitch at the end when tuning upper and decided to keep the original voice and sound at the end when tuning upper and fix the speed pitch changer does not change pitch when adding add-on #19

Closed codeyr67 closed 2 months ago

codeyr67 commented 8 months ago

and hey prime arys can you please fix the video for high pitch at the end when tuning upper please and thank you because the youtube videos are like messed up you know like keeps skipping or something i don't know you'll have to try for yourself and i decided that i wanted to keep the original voice and sound at the end i do when tuning upper i do and i knowest too that the speed pitch changer sometimes does not change the pitch when you add the add-on it does too it does so could you please update it again and please add 0.99 octaves remember you know fine grained settings as a 3rd setting and please fix the quality as great as a professional too like very perfect okay please and thank you like sound and clear okay