Prime-arys / Speed-Pitch-changer-extension

Modify the speed with the pitch of a web video/audio.
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

Please Makesure to make version 1.4.5. in July for speed pitch changer and make 1.4.6. version in October for speed pitch changer and make 1.4.3. this may and the next day after 1.4.3. will be 1.4.4. i want i do #31

Closed codeyr67 closed 2 months ago

codeyr67 commented 7 months ago

please makesure to make 1.4.5. in july and 1.4.6. in october and makesure by the version 1.4.4. it already has the highest quality as great as a professional and 1.00 cents okay and that's the fine tuning settings it is and that's only for the pitch only not the speed except 1.00 cents i want as a 3rd setting i do and remember make 1.4.3. in may and so is the 1.4.4. version too okay in may remember