Prime-arys / Speed-Pitch-changer-extension

Modify the speed with the pitch of a web video/audio.
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

"Preserve pitch" does not work #5

Closed calichii closed 10 months ago

calichii commented 10 months ago

Firefox version : 122 Extension version : 1.4.1 Platform : Linux

"Preserve pitch" option does not work.

After activating the option, reloading the extension and restarting the browser: The text "Preserved pitch" is displayed, but the '+' and '-' buttons still modify the pitch as well as the tempo.

With the option activated, it is expected that changing the tempo will not alter the pitch of what is being played.

Prime-arys commented 10 months ago

The problem occurs with the most recent versions of Firefox It's also affect some previous build like 1.3.1 I make a change : a713b3533ddcd5a1352d447265c0edcd6fefceb8

Prime-arys commented 10 months ago

I released the patch in 1.4.2 on mozilla addons store.

calichii commented 9 months ago

Thank you very much!!! I usually use the Chrome extension Transpose for these purposes, but I'd like to have one in Firefox, as it's my main browser. I would love to see this extension catch up with Transpose in terms of functionality and quality. Thanks again and best wishes!