PrimeDAO / prime-launch-dapp
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Add Rinkeby to staging #764

Open hiaux0 opened 2 years ago

hiaux0 commented 2 years ago

Why? Currently Prime Launch staging is on mainnet only

ideally goerli, but for now rinkeby still helpful imo

hiaux0 commented 2 years ago

@giladt Can you help troubleshoot? I checked the network env variable on vercel, and for staging it points to rinkeby, but the url still asks for mainnet

giladt commented 2 years ago

The .env vars are correct. The issue is because the build script on staging is behind. It was updated in PR #750, but for some reason not merged into staging yet (or maybe reverted?).


hiaux0 commented 2 years ago

@BartuCulha Should point to rinkeby again, can you confirm?