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SurvivalV2 Warning Feature #8

Open SpicyAir opened 3 years ago

SpicyAir commented 3 years ago


One common occurrence I have witnessed is high-level players camping wild spawn when it is announced that a new player. These stacked players will then kill the new player when they go to the wild. They mostly do this for their welcome picks. This deters many new players from playing and can also be quite frustrating as since there is no "guide" on how to play, players often feel like they can't do anything without their pick and don't understand how to obtain a new one and progress further in the game.

I think adding a pop-up warning message could help solve the issue. This would only happen once, whenever the first time a player attempted to access /wild either by command, compass, or npc. It would look something like this:

WARNING, you are attempting to enter the wild. PvP is enabled, and you may lose your items to other players. Lost items are not likely to be recovered. Are you sure you would like to proceed?

It should have a yes option and a no option. The yes option would allow them to proceed with the action, while no would have them stay where they are. A similar thing would happen when the player attempted to tp to someone or someone sent them a tpr request and they clicked on it:

WARNING, you are attempting to teleport to another individual. You may be teleported to an unsafe location where you can be at risk of dying. Players who are teleporting to you may also want to harm you if you are not in a safe location. Are you sure you would like to proceed?

Another alternate option is to instead of having new players spawn instead of all at the same place, automatically have them spawn at a random set of coordinates within a 500 block range of the original spawn point. Perhaps also have a check that makes sure they don't spawn in claimed land. This should also help new players avoid losing their pickaxes however, I believe this would be less effective than the warning message.