PrincessRTFM / TinyCommands

A plugin for FFXIV/Dalamud/XIVQuickLauncher that adds tiny but useful commands
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Udpate DT? #12

Closed TheNickoos closed 1 month ago

TheNickoos commented 1 month ago

Just asking if it going to happen?

PrincessRTFM commented 1 month ago

I'd love to, but the XivCommon library that I use to send commands to the game isn't updated. Without that, things like the conditional commands and the /delay command don't work, and the plugin won't even compile with the old version.

Gnostars commented 1 month ago

i was refraining from opening an issue here to ask, but i see now that I wasn't the only one who deeply missed TinyCommands... I used the conditional commands to customize emotes based on target and had some really neat ones.... Plus the tremendous utilities for more productive activities. Are there any current known plans for XivCommon to update for DT? I checked the repo, but the last update was last month. That gives me hope, but I would rather not bug or rush anyone to do something they're already doing for free.

Nox13last commented 1 month ago

I also tend to refrain from "when plogon upd8?", but I'd like to also register my interest in the subject.

There's are emotes for /draw and /sheathe, where you do it with a bit of flourish, but those emotes don't care if the weapon is already in a given state (you can /draw if your weapon is already drawn, and it animates jarringly). TinyCommands at least let me make a button with "If sheathed, then /draw. If drawn, then /sheathe".

Also, a button for calling in Shout Chat if I spot a Hunt mark, and use a placeholder. The command intentionally errored out if I don't have a target selected (to prevent calling a Hunt to the rest of the map with an empty name).

PrincessRTFM commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, XivCommon's author isn't in the Dalamud discord, so I have no ETA on when she'll update the library. I don't even know if she will, I'm just hoping. I'll see if maybe I can set up a (temporary) build that works without it, but no promises.

As for the /draw and /sheathe emotes, you may be interested in WoLua (once it's back - also reliant on XivCommon) and the battlemode script (also my own work) for it. It does basically what you've described, only with more advanced checks, making it useful as a drop-in replacement for the normal draw/sheathe keybind.

Nox13last commented 1 month ago

Aw hell yeah. I remember talking to you in a previous ticket about WoLua. I never got around to figuring it out. Guess I should start.

Looking forward to both TC and WoLua now.

PrincessRTFM commented 1 month ago

Good news! I was able to make a (temporary) replacement for XivCommon, since the feature I need was apparently just a single file.