PrincetonUniversity / VST

Verified Software Toolchain
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Soundness of VST for gcc and clang #566

Open andrew-appel opened 2 years ago

andrew-appel commented 2 years ago

VST is formally proved sound w.r.t. the operational semantics of CompCert Clight. VST is supposed to be sound for gcc and clang, but is not formally proved sound. In this issue I propose that we could put that statement on firmer footing.

In some cases, the Clight semantics is a refinement of the C11 semantics. See Krebbers, "The C Standard Formalized in Coq", sections 2.3-2.5 and 10.1. That means, any C program with defined behavior will execute correctly when compiled by CompCert, but some C programs with C11-undefined behavior have defined behavior in CompCert.

Consequently, it is theoretically possible that a program proved correct in VST will have correct behavior when compiled by CompCert but incorrect or undefined behavior when compiled by gcc or clang.

It is an explicit goal of the VST project that,

Here are the ways that soundness for CompCert does not automatically imply soundness for gcc/clang:

Historically, signed integer overflow has been the main source of VST unsoundness. Issues #561, #500, #142, #117 are all related (in some way) to this issue. So it might be worth addressing "soundness of VST for gcc and clang" in an organized way.

Here are some possible ways forward.

  1. Careful code review, by an independent volunteer in consultation with the VST developers, of the typechecker code in veric/expr.v and veric/expr2.v
  2. Write an alternate semantics for CompCert Clight2, in which signed integer overflow is "stuck" (as is side effects inside function parameters). Prove VST sound w.r.t. this semantics. Prove that CompCert's standard Clight2 semantics is a refinement of this one.

Of course, VST can never be formally sound for clang or gcc (with mechanized proof) because those compilers are not specified by a formal semantics, and certainly are not proved correct with respect to any such semantics. Methods 1 or 2 might be the best that can be done. Method 2 might not be so very difficult, either.

roconnor-blockstream commented 2 years ago

There are a couple of other sources of arithmetical undefined behaviour:

Modifying a string literal is another undefined behaviour.

I haven't investigated if VST already covers all these cases or not. (e.g. perhaps string literals can never get the writable permission.) However, I don't ever recall seeing maximum-width side-conditions on my use of bit-shifting operations.

(See also: for some fun.)

(edit: I also don't know specifically if gcc or clang take advantage of these forms of undefined behavior or, if they specifically define behavior in some of these cases.)

andrew-appel commented 2 years ago

Generally speaking, VST correctly handles the issues just mentioned by @roconnor-blockstream. If you don't recall seeing maximum-width side-conditions, it's because VST efficiently (and soundly) optimizes those away when the shift amount is a constant. Several of these cases are undefined behavior in CompCert, which is a good thing--it means that VST's formal soundness proof already ensures correctness. But still, these are cases that should be carefully reviewed in a code walk-through.

Read-only string literals are also handled correctly: CompCert's semantics marks them as read-only, so formal soundness is guaranteed in VST.

These points illustrate that in some cases the "walk-through" can be accomplished in the CompCert operational semantics, without having to review the corresponding parts of VST.

QinshiWang commented 2 years ago

Is VST sound for traceless infinite loops? It's said loops like for (;;) can be assumed to terminate. infinite loop