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list_solve problems with sorted lists #664

Closed andrew-appel closed 1 year ago

andrew-appel commented 1 year ago

The zlist solver list_solve has some trouble with sorted lists. In the examples below:

Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Import ListNotations.

Lemma example1: 
  (mval : list (list byte))
  (cols : Z)
  (vals : list byte)
  (col_ind : list Z)
  (r : Z)
  (row_ptr : list Z)
  (L : Zlength row_ptr + 1 = 1 + (Zlength mval + 1))
  (L0 : Zlength vals = Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr)
  (L1 : Zlength col_ind = Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr)
  (COL : Forall (fun j : Z => 0 <= j < cols) col_ind)
  (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned]))
  (H0 : 0 <= r),
Zlength (sublist r (Zlength vals) vals) = 
Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr - r.
Time list_solve. (* 5.337 sec *)

Lemma example2: forall
 (mval : list (list byte))
 (cols : Z)
 (col_ind : list Z)
 (r : Z)
 (row_ptr : list Z)
 (L : Zlength row_ptr + 1 = 1 + (Zlength mval + 1))
 (L1 : Zlength col_ind = Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr)
 (COL : Forall (fun j : Z => 0 <= j < cols) col_ind)
 (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned]))
 (H0 : 0 <= r),
Zlength (sublist r (Zlength col_ind) col_ind) = 
Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr - r.
Time list_solve.  (* 9.3 sec *)
Time Qed.   (* 1.255 sec *)

Lemma example3: forall
 (r : Z)
 (row_ptr : list Z)
 (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned]))
 ( H0 : 0 <= r)
 (i j : Z)
 (H1 : 0 <= i <= j)
 (H2 : j < Z.succ (Zlength row_ptr + 1)),
Znth i
  (0 :: map (fun i0 : Z => i0 - r) row_ptr ++ [Int.max_unsigned]) <=
Znth j
  (0 :: map (fun i0 : Z => i0 - r) row_ptr ++ [Int.max_unsigned]).
Fail Time list_solve.
Time list_simplify. (* 19 seconds *)
     (* BUG! in list_solve / list_simplify: one of the tactics is leaving
         this trivial subgoal.  Please report. *) 
Time Qed. (* 2 seconds*)

Lemma example4: forall 
 (mval : list (list byte))
 (cols : Z)
 (col_ind : list Z)
 (r : Z)
 (row_ptr : list Z)
 (L : Zlength row_ptr + 1 = 1 + (Zlength mval + 1))
 (L1 : Zlength col_ind = Znth (Zlength mval) row_ptr) 
( COL : Forall (fun j : Z => 0 <= j < cols) col_ind)
 (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned])) 
 (j : Z) 
 (H0 : 0 <= r) 
 (H1 : 0 <= j < Zlength mval),
sublist (Znth j row_ptr) (Znth (j + 1) row_ptr) col_ind = 
sublist (Znth j (map (fun i : Z => i - r) row_ptr))
  (Znth (j + 1) (map (fun i : Z => i - r) row_ptr))
  (sublist r (Zlength col_ind) col_ind).
Time list_solve. (* 17.5 seconds *)
(* Bug: there should not be subgoals *)
Time list_solve.  (* 2.23 seconds *)
Time list_solve.  (* 1.95 seconds *)
Time Qed. (*  2.8 sec *)

Lemma sorted_cons_e:
 forall {T: Type} {INH: Inhabitant T} (le: T -> T -> Prop) (a: T) (bl: list T),
  0 < Zlength bl  -> 
 sorted le (a::bl) -> 
  le a (Znth 0 bl) /\ sorted le bl.
apply (H0 0 1).
split. lia. rewrite Zlength_cons by lia. lia.
intros i j [? ?]. specialize (H0 (i+1) (j+1)).
rewrite !Znth_pos_cons in H0 by lia.
rewrite !Z.add_simpl_r in H0.
rewrite Zlength_cons in H0.
apply H0; split; lia.

Lemma sorted_app_e:
 forall {T: Type} {INH: Inhabitant T} (le: T -> T -> Prop) (al bl: list T),
  0 < Zlength al  -> 
  0 < Zlength bl  -> 
 sorted le (al++bl) -> 
  le (Znth (Zlength al - 1) al) (Znth 0 bl) /\ sorted le al /\ sorted le bl.
specialize (H1 (Zlength al - 1) (Zlength al)).
autorewrite with sublist in H1.
apply H1. Zlength_solve.
intros i j [? ?]. specialize (H1 i j). autorewrite with sublist in H1. apply H1; lia.
intros i j [? ?]. specialize (H1 (Zlength al + i) (Zlength al + j)).
   autorewrite with sublist in H1. apply H1; lia.

Ltac split_sorted SORT := 
repeat (
try change ((?a::?bl)++?cl) with (a::(bl++cl)) in SORT;
first [let H := fresh in 
         apply sorted_cons_e in SORT; [ |  Zlength_solve];
         destruct SORT as [H SORT];
         autorewrite with sublist in H
        | let H := fresh in let H' := fresh in 
          apply sorted_app_e in SORT; [ |  Zlength_solve ..];
          destruct SORT as [H [H' SORT]];
          autorewrite with sublist in H, H'
        | match type of SORT with sorted _ [_] => clear SORT end]).

Lemma example5: forall 
 (N cols r j : Z)
 (col_ind row_ptr : list Z)
 (L : Zlength row_ptr = N + 1)
 (L1 : Zlength col_ind = Znth N row_ptr) 
 (COL : Forall (fun j : Z => 0 <= j < cols) col_ind)
 (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned])) 
 (H1 : 0 <= j < N),
  sublist (Znth j row_ptr) (Znth (j + 1) row_ptr) col_ind = 
  sublist (Znth j row_ptr - r) (Znth (j + 1) row_ptr - r)
                      (sublist r (Zlength col_ind) col_ind).
Time Fail rewrite sublist_sublist by list_solve. (* 6 to 8 seconds: Proof search failed *)
Time Fail list_solve.  (*  7.6 seconds: "Proof search failed" *)
Time split_sorted SORT. (* 0.1 second s*)
Fail Time list_solve. (* 6.6 seconds: "Stack overflow" *)
Time rewrite sublist_sublist by list_solve. (* 4 seconds *)
Time list_solve. (* 0.16 seconds *)
Time Qed.  (* 0.16 seconds *)
QinshiWang commented 1 year ago

example1 and example2 are performance issues. The performance is not so bad, so it is not a high priority.

example3 is about whether to include rep_lia in list_solve. Our design choice is that list_solve should not depend on other parts of VST, which include rep_lia. Another consideration is performance: if rep_lia is not much slower than lia, then it is like calling lia twice. This overhead might be okay. Then we can add it to list_solve in floyd/functional_base.v using a hook in list_solve.

QinshiWang commented 1 year ago

example4 is a bug in list_solve's internal mechanism. apply_list_ext is an internal tactic to apply extensionality to lists. It used to fail when the array length goals in extensionality are not directly provable. I have updated the tactic and will push it so the array length goals will go through the same proof procedure as the main goal.

QinshiWang commented 1 year ago

example5 is about instantiation choice. The completeness of list_solve requires instantiating with the bound set. For example, if we have forall_range 0 n a P, we always need to instantiate to P (a[0]) and P (a[n-1]). This is costly and not often useful, so this instantiation is disabled by Ltac instantiate_bound_set := false by default. I tested as follows. It solves but takes a long time.

Lemma example5: forall 
 (N cols r j : Z)
 (col_ind row_ptr : list Z)
 (L : Zlength row_ptr = N + 1)
 (L1 : Zlength col_ind = Znth N row_ptr) 
 (COL : Forall (fun j : Z => 0 <= j < cols) col_ind)
 (SORT : sorted Z.le (0 :: (r :: row_ptr) ++ [Int.max_unsigned]))
 (H1 : 0 <= j < N),
  sublist (Znth j row_ptr) (Znth (j + 1) row_ptr) col_ind =
  sublist (Znth j row_ptr - r) (Znth (j + 1) row_ptr - r)
                      (sublist r (Zlength col_ind) col_ind).
rewrite sublist_sublist.
- admit.
Ltac instantiate_bound_set ::= true.
- Time list_simplify. (* 56.665 secs *)

Therefore, it is good to tune for sortedness. Your tactic is a plan.