PrincetonUniversity / VST

Verified Software Toolchain
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improved VSU diagnostics; better support for initialized cstring #765

Closed andrew-appel closed 2 months ago

andrew-appel commented 2 months ago
  1. Address issue #763, much better diagnostics when applying mkVSU, mkComponent, solve_SF_internal

  2. solve_SF_internal now runs much faster; previously, if the Vprog of the VSU was reordered w.r.r. the Vprog of the semax_body proof (which would almost always be the case), then when applying the semax_body proof there would be a very slow unification.

  3. When the extern initialized global data constains C string constants, the new Lemma globvar2pred_cstring can be very helpful in turning it into a cstring predicate in the program precondition. This is still not applied in an automatic tactic, however.