PrincetonUniversity / openpiton

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Building my own multicore processor #108

Open huzi6181 opened 2 years ago

huzi6181 commented 2 years ago

Hello! I have made a single core implementation of a RISC-V based processor which has been taped out. Now I want to move onto the multicore implementation of the processor. Your manual says in the port own RTL section that it is coming soon and i should contact you if i want to use my own RTL.

Is replacing Ariane with my own core possible? If so, how do i begin?

Jbalkind commented 2 years ago

Sure! The BYOC extension of OpenPiton ( enables exactly this. That's how Ariane was connected. We've connected something like 15 cores with varying degrees of capability at this point.

I'd be happy to give more pointers and assistance on this if you'd like to join our zulip (

huzi6181 commented 2 years ago

Hi thank you sk much for your reply im definitely joining zulip