PrincetonVision / marvin

Marvin: A Minimalist GPU-only N-Dimensional ConvNets Framework
MIT License
421 stars 137 forks source link

There are 2 NVIDIA GPUs available in this machine. Largest GPU ID request for GPU #3 exceeds the number of available GPUs #52

Open kevinkit opened 7 years ago

kevinkit commented 7 years ago

I tried the example for the 3DShapeNet, however it came up with the following error:

There are 2 NVIDIA GPUs available in this machine. 
Largest GPU ID request for GPU #3 exceeds the number of available GPUs
FatalError at LIINE 8178. Program terminated.

I have two NVIDIA TITAN Xs available

QinZiwen commented 6 years ago

Is it running witch tools/viewer_matlab/plotNet.m