Prior99 / mumble-bot

An allround bot for mumble able to record and classify audio from users.
MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link

“error: An error with the mumble connection has occured:” #7

Open hndrkx opened 5 years ago

hndrkx commented 5 years ago

Everytime I try to execute "node server serve -c config.yml" I get this error.

I've managed to do every single step from the readme.

Here's my config file:

name: bot
keyFile: "./bot.key"
certFile: "./bot.cert"
password: "PASSWORD" # Guessing this is password for the mumble server?
channel: "AFK"
audioCacheAmount: 150 # Amount of audios to cache
port: 25255 # Port to run the webinterface on
dbName: bot # Name of the database
dbPassword: PASSWORD # Password to connect tot eh database
tmpDir: data/tmp # Directory to store cached audios and temporary files in
soundsDir: data/sounds # Directory to store sounds in

I can reach the web interface at with the login and register page. I cannot register and I guess that is because the bot itself isn't running?

As I dont get any sql errors or similar I guess I dont have a problem with my postgresql setup. Here's a list of the tables in the database bot

bot=> \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |        Name        | Type  | Owner
 public | migrations         | table | henke
 public | mumble_link        | table | henke
 public | playlist           | table | henke
 public | playlist_entry     | table | henke
 public | sound              | table | henke
 public | sound_rating       | table | henke
 public | sound_tag_relation | table | henke
 public | tag                | table | henke
 public | token              | table | henke
 public | user               | table | henke
(10 rows)
hndrkx commented 5 years ago

So I've figured out this problem. I removed the server password, and then it worked. The bot could connect. So I enabled the server password again and used option --mumble-password which worked. The problem is somewhere in the config file, anyways this way is good enough.

Now my problem is when the bot starts I get this error: "error: Unhandled Promise rejection: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::25255 { Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::25255" EDIT: So I had something else running on that port, changed that and it didnt complain any more The below problem still persists, I get "Failed to fetch"

I cannot use the webUI since it says "Failed to fetch" when I try to register someone, and I havent figured out why this is.

SECOND EDIT: I am able to signup and login from the local server machine, but not from any other within the LAN. I can reach the webpage but still get failed to fetch.

THIRD EDIT: I had to change the http:IP:PORT in the web config file to my external IP or webhost. It just wouldnt work with local IP.