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Stan highlighting needs fixing #3236

Closed spinkney closed 2 years ago

spinkney commented 2 years ago


Description Lots of updates to Stan since 2.24 plus a few other things.

First the other things. I believe the Stan code needs an additional parameter to indicate the "blocks" of the language:

Changes since 2.28

The higher order functions that are valid are:

      ## Algebraic equation solver
      "algebra_solver", "algebra_solver_newton",

      ## Ordinary differential equation
      "ode_rk45", "ode_rk45_tol", "ode_ckrk", "ode_ckrk_tol", "ode_adams",
      "ode_adams_tol", "ode_bdf", "ode_bdf_tol", "ode_adjoint_tol_ctl",

      ## 1D integrator

      ## Reduce-sum function
      "reduce_sum", "reduce_sum_static",

It's probably easier to just have all the functions. I've grabbed all this from a recent pr request in the rouge library

Long list of functions # Integer-Valued Basic Functions ## Absolute functions "abs", "int_step", ## Bound functions "min", "max", ## Size functions "size", # Real-Valued Basic Functions ## Log probability function "target", "get_lp", ## Logical functions "step", "is_inf", "is_nan", ## Step-like functions "fabs", "fdim", "fmin", "fmax", "fmod", "floor", "ceil", "round", "trunc", ## Power and logarithm functions "sqrt", "cbrt", "square", "exp", "exp2", "log", "log2", "log10", "pow", "inv", "inv_sqrt", "inv_square", ## Trigonometric functions "hypot", "cos", "sin", "tan", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2", ## Hyperbolic trigonometric functions "cosh", "sinh", "tanh", "acosh", "asinh", "atanh", ## Link functions "logit", "inv_logit", "inv_cloglog", ## Probability-related functions "erf", "erfc", "Phi", "inv_Phi", "Phi_approx", "binary_log_loss", "owens_t", ## Combinatorial functions "beta", "inc_beta", "lbeta", "tgamma", "lgamma", "digamma", "trigamma", "lmgamma", "gamma_p", "gamma_q", "binomial_coefficient_log", "choose", "bessel_first_kind", "bessel_second_kind", "modified_bessel_first_kind", "log_modified_bessel_first_kind", "modified_bessel_second_kind", "falling_factorial", "lchoose", "log_falling_factorial", "rising_factorial", "log_rising_factorial", ## Composed functions "expm1", "fma", "multiply_log", "ldexp", "lmultiply", "log1p", "log1m", "log1p_exp", "log1m_exp", "log_diff_exp", "log_mix", "log_sum_exp", "log_inv_logit", "log_inv_logit_diff", "log1m_inv_logit", ## Special functions "lambert_w0", "lambert_wm1", ## Complex Conversion Functions "get_real", "get_imag", # Complex-Valued Basic Functions ## Complex Construction Functions "to_complex", # Array Operations ## Reductions "sum", "prod", "log_sum_exp", "mean", "variance", "sd", "distance", "squared_distance", "quantile", ## Array size and dimension function "dims", "num_elements", ## Array broadcasting "rep_array", ## Array concatenation "append_array", ## Sorting functions "sort_asc", "sort_desc", "sort_indices_asc", "sort_indices_desc", "rank", ## Reversing functions "reverse", # Matrix Operations ## Integer-valued matrix size functions "num_elements", "rows", "cols", ## Dot products and specialized products "dot_product", "columns_dot_product", "rows_dot_product", "dot_self", "columns_dot_self", "rows_dot_self", "tcrossprod", "crossprod", "quad_form", "quad_form_diag", "quad_form_sym", "trace_quad_form", "trace_gen_quad_form", "multply_lower_tri_self_transpose", "diag_pre_multiply", "diag_post_multiply", ## Broadcast functions "rep_vector", "rep_row_vector", "rep_matrix", "symmetrize_from_lower_tri", ## Diagonal matrix functions "add_diag", "diagonal", "diag_matrix", "identity_matrix", ## Container construction functions "linspaced_array", "linspaced_int_array", "linspaced_vector", "linspaced_row_vector", "one_hot_int_array", "one_hot_array", "one_hot_vector", "one_hot_row_vector", "ones_int_array", "ones_array", "ones_vector", "ones_row_vector", "zeros_int_array", "zeros_array", "zeros_vector", "zeros_row_vector", "uniform_simplex", ## Slicing and blocking functions "col", "row", "block", "sub_col", "sub_row", "head", "tail", "segment", ## Matrix concatenation "append_col", "append_row", ## Special matrix functions "softmax", "log_softmax", "cumulative_sum", ## Covariance functions "cov_exp_quad", ## Linear algebra functions and solvers "mdivide_left_tri_low", "mdivide_right_tri_low", "mdivide_left_spd", "mdivide_right_spd", "matrix_exp", "matrix_exp_multiply", "scale_matrix_exp_multiply", "matrix_power", "trace", "determinant", "log_determinant", "inverse", "inverse_spd", "chol2inv", "generalized_inverse", "eigenvalues_sym", "eigenvectors_sym", "qr_thin_Q", "qr_thin_R", "qr_Q", "qr_R", "cholseky_decompose", "singular_values", "svd_U", "svd_V", # Sparse Matrix Operations ## Conversion functions "csr_extract_w", "csr_extract_v", "csr_extract_u", "csr_to_dense_matrix", ## Sparse matrix arithmetic "csr_matrix_times_vector", # Mixed Operations "to_matrix", "to_vector", "to_row_vector", "to_array_2d", "to_array_1d", # Higher-Order Functions ## Algebraic equation solver "algebra_solver", "algebra_solver_newton", ## Ordinary differential equation "ode_rk45", "ode_rk45_tol", "ode_ckrk", "ode_ckrk_tol", "ode_adams", "ode_adams_tol", "ode_bdf", "ode_bdf_tol", "ode_adjoint_tol_ctl", ## 1D integrator "integrate_1d", ## Reduce-sum function "reduce_sum", "reduce_sum_static", ## Map-rect function "map_rect", # Deprecated Functions "integrate_ode_rk45", "integrate_ode", "integrate_ode_adams", "integrate_ode_bdf", # Hidden Markov Models "hmm_marginal", "hmm_latent_rng", "hmm_hidden_state_prob" ]

Code snippet

test page

```stan functions { array[] real add_array(array[] real x, real y) { int n = num_elements(x); array[n] z; for (i in 1:n) { z[n] = x[n] + y; } return z; } } data { int n; array[n] real x; } parameters { real y; } transformed parameters { real z = add(x, y); } model { y ~ std_normal(); } } ```

The BNF grammars page was updated. I see that this is referenced in the prism stan code. The updated file is stan bnf grammars 2.28.

RunDevelopment commented 2 years ago

Hi @spinkney!

I made a PR adding the missing keywords and HOFs (#3238).

I believe the Stan code needs an additional parameter to indicate the "blocks" of the language:

"Parameter"? You mean a token, right? If so, then this will be difficult. Program blocks are context-free, so we can't easily detect them using regexes.

What do you need the new token for?

spinkney commented 2 years ago

First, thank you for being so responsive! It's a sunday and I really appreciate it.

Yes program blocks. I'm thinking it would mimic the highlighting contexts of vscode. So those program blocks would have separate highlighting. Maybe just using the keyword for those blocks and if a "{" is detected after removing/skipping over all white space?

Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 7 54 48 AM
RunDevelopment commented 2 years ago

Ah, that's what you want to do. That's pretty easy. I'll add an alias to those keywords, so you can give them a different color.

spinkney commented 2 years ago

Also, we need to make sure that complex numbers are highlighted correctly vscode shows this:

Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 9 03 18 AM


RunDevelopment commented 2 years ago

@spinkney You might also want to comment on the VSCode grammar of Stan. That being said, I added support for imaginary number literals.


spinkney commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is already done :)

Thank you!

rok-cesnovar commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much @RunDevelopment!