PrismLauncher / Themes

Community themes for Prism Launcher
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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add mod labyrinth themes #28

Closed lunofe closed 8 months ago

lunofe commented 9 months ago

themes using variations of gray as seen on modrinth.

Scrumplex commented 8 months ago

I wasn't too sure about the naming of these themes, so I asked in the MR Discord.

Response of Modrinth staff (text transcript below)

Modrinth is a trademark. I'd probably recommend you avoid using the name like that since it is a name for something you created for your product and isn't directly related to a Modrinth product or service. You could perhaps pick some sort of Greek name or something maze or labyrinth related to allude to Modrinth perhaps?

Perhaps you could just call the themes "Maze"? "Modmaze" if you want to be more cheeky :D

lunofe commented 8 months ago

Ugh. You gotta love companies insisting on their trademark in such superfluous proportions. Well, guess I'll find another name for it then, perhaps Mod (Laby)rinth is far enough away from the trademark? Or is that too cheeky 🤔

Scrumplex commented 8 months ago

Well, guess I'll find another name for it then, perhaps Mod (Laby)rinth is far enough away from the trademark? Or is that too cheeky 🤔

I'd say that's fine (Mod Labyrinth)

TheKodeToad commented 8 months ago

I think you can still write Modrinth in the description? (also i'd personally call it Modrinthish but that may be a violation)