I expected to bot go in a square but it just goes randomly and then leaves the server, simply bot dont obey to code and literally breaks/puts block randomly
I also check that is the coordinates are true, yes the code gets the valid cordinates
My server on 1.19.3
import g, { pathfinder, Movements } from "mineflayer-pathfinder"
import mcdata from "minecraft-data";
import { mineflayer as mineflayerViewer } from 'prismarine-viewer';
import mineflayer from "mineflayer";
import { API } from "./api.js"
const api = new API();
const GoalBlock = g.goals.GoalBlock;
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
host: "noip",
username: "BOT"
let botJoinedToServer = false;
bot.once("spawn", async () => {
const Data = mcdata("1.19.3")
const movements = new Movements(bot, Data);
mineflayerViewer(bot, { port: 3000 })
async function start(bot) {
if (!botJoinedToServer) {
botJoinedToServer = true;
walk().then(() => {
botJoinedToServer = false;
async function walk() {
const startPos = bot.entity.position
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await bot.pathfinder.goto(new GoalBlock(startPos.x.toFixed(0) + 1, 62, startPos.z.toFixed(0)));
await bot.pathfinder.goto(new GoalBlock(startPos.x.toFixed(0) + 1, 62, startPos.z.toFixed(0) + 1));
await bot.pathfinder.goto(new GoalBlock(startPos.x.toFixed(0), 62, startPos.z.toFixed(0) + 1));
await bot.pathfinder.goto(new GoalBlock(startPos.x.toFixed(0), 62, startPos.z.toFixed(0)));
I expected to bot go in a square but it just goes randomly and then leaves the server, simply bot dont obey to code and literally breaks/puts block randomly I also check that is the coordinates are true, yes the code gets the valid cordinates My server on 1.19.3