PrismarineJS / mineflayer

Create Minecraft bots with a powerful, stable, and high level JavaScript API.
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Error when selecting a server in the window. What is the problem? #1444

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago


Clear question

When choosing a server in the window, this error appears.

What did you try yet?

Your current code

while (actionId > {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at confirmTransaction (/app/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:500:29)                  
at Client.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:613:5)
at Client.emit (events.js:314:20)
at FullPacketParser.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/minecraft-protocol/src/client.js:89:12)           
at FullPacketParser.emit (events.js:314:20) 
at addChunk (/app/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:298:12)
at readableAddChunk (/app/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:280:11)                at FullPacketParser.Readable.push (/app/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:241:10)
at FullPacketParser.Transform.push (/app/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:139:32)
at FullPacketParser._transform (/app/node_modules/protodef/src/serializer.js:89:10)

Additional context

rom1504 commented 3 years ago

please provide

Your current code

ghost commented 3 years ago

please provide

Your current code

It is very large, what exactly can be connected?

ghost commented 3 years ago

please provide

Your current code

This is the main part:

​var​ ​bot​ ​=​ ​mineflayer​.​createBot​(​options​)​

​bot​.​navigate​.​blocksToAvoid​[​132​]​ ​=​ ​true​;​ 
​bot​.​navigate​.​blocksToAvoid​[​59​]​ ​=​ ​false​;​

​bot​.​settings​.​viewDistance​ ​=​ ​"tiny"​

​bot​.​_client​.​on​(​'map'​,​ ​(​{​ ​data​,​itemDamage​ ​}​)​=>​ ​{​
        ​let​ ​invL​ ​=​ ​bot​.​inventory​.​slots​.​filter​(​el​=>​ ​el​ !== ​null​)​
        ​var​ ​itemD​ ​=​ ​(​invL​ ​&&​ ​invL​[​0​]​ ​&&​ ​invL​[​0​]​.​metadata​ ​||​ ​''​)​
        ​if​ ​(​itemDamage​ ​==​ ​itemD​)​ ​{​
                ​if​(​!​data​)​ ​return​;​

                ​const​ ​size​ ​=​ ​Math​.​sqrt​(​data​.​length​)​;​
                ​const​ ​image​ ​=​ ​PNGImage​.​createImage​(​size​,​ ​size​)​;​

                ​for​(​let​ ​x​ ​=​ ​0​;​ ​x​ ​<​ ​size​;​ ​x​++​)​ ​{​
                        ​for​(​let​ ​z​ ​=​ ​0​;​ ​z​ ​<​ ​size​;​ ​z​++​)​ ​{​

                                ​const​ ​colorId​ ​=​ ​data​[​x​ ​+​ ​(​z​ * ​size​)​]​;​
                                ​image​.​setAt​(​x​,​ ​z​,​ ​md​.​getColor​(​colorId​)​)​;​

                ​image​.​writeImage​(​`​${​__dirname​}​/captha.png`​,​ ​function​ ​(​err​)​ ​{​
                        ​if​ ​(​err​)​ ​throw​ ​err​;​

                ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                        ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                        ​return​ ​vk​.​uploader​.​getUploadURL​(​
                                ​'photos.getMessagesUploadServer'​,​ ​{​}​,​ ​true​
                ​}​)​.​then​(​async​ ​(​{​url​,​ ​vkr​}​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
                        ​const​ ​field​ ​=​ ​'photo'​
                        ​const​ ​server​ ​=​ ​vk​.​uploader​
                        ​const​ ​filePath​ ​=​ ​path​.​join​(​__dirname​,​ ​'captha.png'​)​
                        ​url​ ​=​ ​url​.​upload_url​
                        ​let​ ​fileData​ ​=​ ​await​ ​server​.​uploadFile​(​url​,​ ​filePath​,​ ​field​,​ ​{​}​)​
                        ​fileData​ ​=​ ​await​ ​vk​.​post​(​'photos.saveMessagesPhoto'​,​ ​fileData​)​
                        ​fileData​ ​=​ ​fileData​[​0​]​

                        ​const​ ​attachments​ ​=​ ​[​

                        ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​'messages.send'​,​ ​{​
                                ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                                ​attachment​: ​attachments​,​
                                ​message​: ​'Капча'​,​
                                ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​

​bot​.​on​(​'message'​,​ ​function​ ​(​jsonMessage​)​ ​{​
        ​if​ ​(​chat​ ​==​ ​1​)​ ​{​
                ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                        ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                        ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                                ​message​: ​'[Чат]'​+​jsonMessage​.​toString​(​)​,​
                                ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                                ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​


​bot​.​on​(​'respawn'​,​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
        ​bot​.​waitForChunksToLoad​(​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
                ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                        ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                        ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                                ​message​: ​"Бот заспавнился"​,​
                                ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                                ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​
                ​if​ ​(​bot​.​currentWindow​ !== ​null​)​ ​{​
                        ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                                        ​message​: ​"Закрыто окно"​,​
                                        ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​
                ​if​ ​(​digging​ ​==​ ​1​)​ ​{​
                        ​digging​ ​=​ ​0​
                        ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                                        ​message​: ​"Бот прекратил копать."​,​
                                        ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​


​bot​.​on​(​"windowOpen"​,​ ​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
        ​setTimeout​(​getW​,​ ​200​)​

​bot​.​on​(​"death"​,​ ​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
  ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                        ​message​: ​'Бот умер.'​,​
                        ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​
​bot​.​on​(​'kicked'​,​ ​(​reason​,​ ​loggedIn​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
        ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                        ​message​: ​'['​+​options​.​username​+​']'​+​' '​+​'Вас кикнуло. Причина: '​+​reason​+​' '​+​loggedIn​,​
                        ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​

​bot​.​on​(​'end'​,​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
        ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                        ​message​: ​'['​+​options​.​username​+​']'​+​' '​+​'Бот выключен.'​,​
                        ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​
                ​}​)​.​then​(​(​vkr​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
                        ​if​ ​(​vkr​.​getFullResponse​(​)​.​response​ ​>​ ​1​)​ ​{​
​bot​.​on​(​'error'​,​ ​err​ ​=>​ ​{​
        ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​''​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​
                        ​message​: ​'У пользователя  ошибка\n'​+​err​+​'\nник пользователя: '​+​options​.​username​,​
                        ​chat_id​: ​1​,​
                        ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​
​if​ ​(​message​.​body​.​toLowerCase​(​)​ ​==​ ​'пкм'​)​ ​{​

​//Next are the commands according to the user's message

                ​if​ ​(​message​.​body​.​toLowerCase​(​)​.​startsWith​(​'окно клик'​)​)​ ​{​
                        ​bot​.​clickWindow​(​message​.​body​.​substr​(​10​)​,​ ​0​,​ ​0​)​
rom1504 commented 3 years ago

Try to create a minimal example that reproduces the problem

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020, 05:54 Aleksey Goncharov wrote:

please provide

Your current code

This is the main part:

​var​ ​bot​ ​=​ ​mineflayer​.​createBot​(​options​)​

​navigatePlugin​(​bot​)​;​ ​bot​.​navigate​.​blocksToAvoid​[​132​]​ ​=​ ​true​;​ ​bot​.​navigate​.​blocksToAvoid​[​59​]​ ​=​ ​false​;​ ​bot​.​loadPlugin​(​tpsPlugin​)​

​bot​.​settings​.​viewDistance​ ​=​ ​"tiny"​

​bot​.​_client​.​on​(​'map'​,​ ​(​{​ ​data​,​itemDamage​ ​}​)​=>​ ​{​ ​let​ ​invL​ ​=​ ​bot​.​inventory​.​slots​.​filter​(​el​=>​ ​el​ !== ​null​)​ ​var​ ​itemD​ ​=​ ​(​invL​ ​&&​ ​invL​[​0​]​ ​&&​ ​invL​[​0​]​.​metadata​ ​||​ ​''​)​ ​if​ ​(​itemDamage​ ​==​ ​itemD​)​ ​{​ ​if​(​!​data​)​ ​return​;​

            ​const​ ​size​ ​=​ ​Math​.​sqrt​(​data​.​length​)​;​
            ​const​ ​image​ ​=​ ​PNGImage​.​createImage​(​size​,​ ​size​)​;​

            ​for​(​let​ ​x​ ​=​ ​0​;​ ​x​ ​<​ ​size​;​ ​x​++​)​ ​{​
                    ​for​(​let​ ​z​ ​=​ ​0​;​ ​z​ ​<​ ​size​;​ ​z​++​)​ ​{​

                            ​const​ ​colorId​ ​=​ ​data​[​x​ ​+​ ​(​z​ * ​size​)​]​;​
                            ​image​.​setAt​(​x​,​ ​z​,​ ​md​.​getColor​(​colorId​)​)​;​

            ​image​.​writeImage​(​`​${​__dirname​}​/captha.png`​,​ ​function​ ​(​err​)​ ​{​
                    ​if​ ​(​err​)​ ​throw​ ​err​;​

            ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​
                    ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​
                    ​return​ ​vk​.​uploader​.​getUploadURL​(​
                            ​'photos.getMessagesUploadServer'​,​ ​{​}​,​ ​true​
            ​}​)​.​then​(​async​ ​(​{​url​,​ ​vkr​}​)​ ​=>​ ​{​
                    ​const​ ​field​ ​=​ ​'photo'​
                    ​const​ ​server​ ​=​ ​vk​.​uploader​
                    ​const​ ​filePath​ ​=​ ​path​.​join​(​__dirname​,​ ​'captha.png'​)​
                    ​url​ ​=​ ​url​.​upload_url​
                    ​let​ ​fileData​ ​=​ ​await​ ​server​.​uploadFile​(​url​,​ ​filePath​,​ ​field​,​ ​{​}​)​
                    ​fileData​ ​=​ ​await​ ​vk​.​post​(​'photos.saveMessagesPhoto'​,​ ​fileData​)​
                    ​fileData​ ​=​ ​fileData​[​0​]​

                    ​const​ ​attachments​ ​=​ ​[​

                    ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​'messages.send'​,​ ​{​
                            ​user_id​: ​ud​,​
                            ​attachment​: ​attachments​,​
                            ​message​: ​'Капча'​,​
                            ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​


​bot​.​on​(​'message'​,​ ​function​ ​(​jsonMessage​)​ ​{​ ​if​ ​(​jsonMessage​.​toString​(​)​ ​==​ ​'[СкайБлок] Сервер будет перезагружен через 5 мин'​)​ ​{​ ​heroku​.​delete​(​'/apps/'​+​process​.​env​.​APPNAME​+​'/dynos'​)​ ​}​ ​if​ ​(​chat​ ​==​ ​1​)​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​'[Чат]'​+​jsonMessage​.​toString​(​)​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​;​ ​}​)​;​


​bot​.​on​(​'respawn'​,​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​bot​.​navigate​.​stop​(​)​ ​bot​.​waitForChunksToLoad​(​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​"Бот заспавнился"​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​if​ ​(​bot​.​currentWindow​ !== ​null​)​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​"Закрыто окно"​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​ ​}​)​ ​bot​.​closeWindow​(​bot​.​currentWindow​)​ ​}​;​ ​if​ ​(​digging​ ​==​ ​1​)​ ​{​ ​digging​ ​=​ ​0​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​"Бот прекратил копать."​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​


​bot​.​on​(​"windowOpen"​,​ ​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​setTimeout​(​getW​,​ ​200​)​ ​}​)​;​

​bot​.​on​(​"death"​,​ ​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​'Бот умер.'​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​ ​bot​.​on​(​'kicked'​,​ ​(​reason​,​ ​loggedIn​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​'['​+​options​.​username​+​']'​+​' '​+​'Вас кикнуло. Причина: '​+​reason​+​' '​+​loggedIn​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​

​bot​.​on​(​'end'​,​(​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​token​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​'['​+​options​.​username​+​']'​+​' '​+​'Бот выключен.'​,​ ​user_id​: ​ud​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​.​then​(​(​vkr​)​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​if​ ​(​vkr​.​getFullResponse​(​)​.​response​ ​>​ ​1​)​ ​{​ ​process​.​exit​(​1​)​ ​}​ ​}​)​ ​}​)​ ​}​)​ ​bot​.​on​(​'error'​,​ ​err​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​easyvk​(​{​access_token​: ​''​}​)​.​then​(​_vk​ ​=>​ ​{​ ​vk​ ​=​ ​_vk​;​ ​return​ ​vk​.​call​(​"messages.send"​,​ ​{​ ​message​: ​'У пользователя ошибка\n'​+​err​+​'\nник пользователя: '​+​options​.​username​,​ ​chat_id​: ​1​,​ ​random_id​: ​easyvk​.​randomId​(​)​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​;​ ​}​)​ ​if​ ​(​message​.​body​.​toLowerCase​(​)​ ​==​ ​'пкм'​)​ ​{​ ​bot​.​activateItem​(​)​;​ ​bot​.​deactivateItem​(​)​ ​}​;​

​//There is no receipt from the message in VKontakte​

            ​if​ ​(​message​.​body​.​toLowerCase​(​)​.​startsWith​(​'окно клик'​)​)​ ​{​
                    ​bot​.​clickWindow​(​message​.​body​.​substr​(​10​)​,​ ​0​,​ ​0​)​

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ghost commented 3 years ago


Will write "go" after message [Auth] Успешная регистрация, добро пожаловать! To enter the server, you need to register with the command /reg [password] [password] on message [Auth] Зарегистрируйтесь, используя /register <пароль> <повтор пароля>

const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
  host: "",
    port: 25565,
  username: "nickname",
    version: "1.16.1"

bot.on('message', (message) => {

rl.on('line', (input) => {
    if (input == "go") {
        bot.once('windowOpen', () => {
            bot.clickWindow(11, 0, 0)
            bot.once('windowOpen', () => {
                bot.clickWindow(20, 0, 0)
bot.on('spawn', () => {
    console.log("Bot was spawned")
bot.on('error', err => {
ghost commented 3 years ago


Will write "go" after message [Auth] Успешная регистрация, добро пожаловать! To enter the server, you need to register with the command /reg [password] [password] on message [Auth] Зарегистрируйтесь, используя /register <пароль> <повтор пароля>

const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
  host: "",
    port: 25565,
  username: "nickname",
    version: "1.16.1"

bot.on('message', (message) => {

rl.on('line', (input) => {
    if (input == "go") {
        bot.once('windowOpen', () => {
            bot.clickWindow(11, 0, 0)
            bot.once('windowOpen', () => {
                bot.clickWindow(20, 0, 0)
bot.on('spawn', () => {
    console.log("Bot was spawned")
bot.on('error', err => {


Do you have any ideas?