PrismarineJS / mineflayer

Create Minecraft bots with a powerful, stable, and high level JavaScript API.
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Invalid Item object in equip #2383

Closed aloualou56 closed 2 years ago

aloualou56 commented 2 years ago


Detailed description of a problem

A bug?

What did you try yet?

Did you try any method from the API? Did you try any example? Any error from those?

Your current code

      throw new Error('Invalid item object in equip')

Error: Invalid item object in equip
    at equip (E:\alouBOT-main\node_modules\mineflayer\lib\plugins\simple_inventory.js:94:13)
    at EventEmitter.equip (E:\alouBOT-main\node_modules\mineflayer\lib\promise_utils.js:4:12)
    at EventEmitter.monitorMovement (E:\alouBOT-main\node_modules\mineflayer-pathfinder\index.js:395:13)
    at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:402:35)
    at Timeout.doPhysics [as _onTimeout] (E:\alouBOT-main\node_modules\mineflayer\lib\plugins\physics.js:63:13)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)
    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)

Expected behavior

break the block

Additional context

the invalid item was the hand. The bot didn't had anything in its inventory

amoraschi commented 2 years ago

That's probably caused by bot.equip, what's your code, maybe you're passing a null object to bot.equip

aloualou56 commented 2 years ago

my code is:

Click to expand! ```js my code is: const mineflayer = require("mineflayer") const fs = require('fs') let rawdata = fs.readFileSync('config.json'); let data = JSON.parse(rawdata); const worker = require('worker_threads'); const mc = require('minecraft-protocol') const async = require('async') const vec3 = require('vec3') const toolPlugin = require("mineflayer-tool").plugin const pvp = require("mineflayer-pvp").plugin const autoeat = require("mineflayer-auto-eat") const scanffold = require("mineflayer-scaffold") const Inventory = require("./lib/inventory"); const owner = process.argv[3] || data['OWNER'] const pass = process.argv[4] const armorManager = require("mineflayer-armor-manager") const host = data['IP'] const port = data['PORT'] const quiet = data['QuietMODE'] console.log('################################################################') console.log('# Welcome to alouBOT #') console.log('################################################################') console.log(' ') console.log(' ') console.log('###########!Checking if the config options are valid!###########') function checkbeforestarting(host, port, quiet, owner) { switch (quiet) { case "Y": case "Yes": case "yes": case "N": case "No": case "Nope": case "true": case "no": case "false": console.log("Valid QuietMODE option.") break; default: console.log('please enter a valid QuietMODE value (Y or Yes or yes or N or No ro no or Nope).' + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } if (host == '') { console.log('Please enter a server IP.' + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid host IP.") } if (port == '') { console.log('Please enter a valid port.' + " If the server doesn't have a IP please enter the default IP '25565'. " + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid port number.") } if (owner == '') { console.log("Please enter the owner's name. " + "the program will close.") process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid owner's name") } } switch (quiet) { case "Y": case "Yes": case "yes": case 'true': case "N": case "No": case "Nope": case "no": case "false": console.log("Valid QuietMODE option.") break; default: console.log('please enter a valid QuietMODE value (Y or Yes or yes or N or No ro no or Nope).' + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } if (host == '') { console.log('Please enter a server IP.' + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid host IP.") } if (port == '') { console.log('Please enter a valid port.' + " If the server doesn't have a IP please enter the default IP '25565'. " + ' The program will close.') process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid port number.") } if (owner == '') { console.log("Please enter the owner's name. " + "the program will close.") process.exit(0) } else { console.log("Valid owner's name") } console.log(' ') console.log(' ') console.log('#########!Starting alouBOT with ' + owner + ' as owner!###########') console.log('Attempting connection to ' + host + ':' + port ) const bot = mineflayer.createBot({ username: "alouBOT", host: host, port: port }) const inventory = new Inventory({ bot }); const { pathfinder, Movements, goals } = require("mineflayer-pathfinder") const { GoalNear, GoalBlock, GoalXZ, GoalY, GoalInvert, GoalFollow } = require("mineflayer-pathfinder").goals setInterval(() =>{ if (isAttackingMobs === "false") return const mobFilter = e => e.type === "mob" const mob = bot.nearestEntity(mobFilter) if (!mob) return if (mob && mob.kind.toString().toLowerCase().includes('hostile')) { bot.pvp.attack(mob) } },1000); bot.once('spawn', () => { bot.loadPlugin(pathfinder) bot.loadPlugin(pvp) bot.loadPlugin(scanffold) bot.loadPlugin(autoeat) bot.loadPlugin(toolPlugin) bot.loadPlugin(armorManager) const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version) const movements = new Movements(bot, mcData) movements.canDig = false bot.pathfinder.setMovements(movements) console.log("connected") bot.settings.viewDistance = 'normal' }) var isAttackingMobs = "false" bot.once('spawn', () => {'/login 1234567890') }) bot.on("kicked", (reason, loggedIn) => { console.log("KICKED"+ reason) }) bot.on("banned", (reason, loggedIn) => { console.log("BANNED" + reason) }) bot.on('playerCollect', (collector, itemDrop) => { if (collector !== bot.entity) return setTimeout(() => { const sword = bot.inventory.items().find(item =>'sword')) if (sword) bot.equip(sword, 'hand') }, 150) }) bot.on('playerCollect', (collector, itemDrop) => { if (collector !== bot.entity) return setTimeout(() => { const shield = bot.inventory.items().find(item =>'shield')) if (shield) bot.equip(shield, 'off-hand') }, 250) }) let guardPos = null function guardArea (pos) { guardPos = pos.clone() if (! { moveToGuardPos() } } function stopGuarding () { guardPos = null bot.pvp.stop() bot.pathfinder.setGoal(null) } function moveToGuardPos () { const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version) bot.pathfinder.setMovements(new Movements(bot, mcData)) bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new goals.GoalBlock(guardPos.x, guardPos.y, guardPos.z)) } bot.on('stoppedAttacking', () => { if (guardPos) { moveToGuardPos() } }) setInterval(() =>{ if (!guardPos) return const mobFilter = e => e.type === "mob" const mob = bot.nearestEntity(mobFilter) if (!mob) return if (mob && mob.kind.toString().toLowerCase().includes('hostile')) { bot.pvp.attack(mob) } },1000); bot.on("chat", function(username, message) { if (message === "hi")"Hi there") } ,function itemToString (item) { if (item) { return `${} x ${item.count}` } else { return '(nothing)' } }) bot.once('spawn', () => { bot.autoEat.options = { priority: 'foodPoints', startAt: 17, bannedFood: [] } }) function sayItems (items = bot.inventory.items()) { const output =', ') if (output) { } else {'empty') } } function itemToString (item) { if (item) { return `${} x ${item.count}` } else { return '(nothing)' } } bot.once("spawn", () => { const mcData = require("minecraft-data")(bot.version); const defaultMove = new Movements(bot, mcData); bot.on("path_update", r => { const nodesPerTick = ((r.visitedNodes * 50) / r.time).toFixed(2); console.log( `I can get there in ${ r.path.length } moves. Computation took ${r.time.toFixed(2)} ms (${ r.visitedNodes } nodes, ${nodesPerTick} nodes/tick)` ); }); bot.on("goal_reached", goal => { console.log("Here I am !"); }); if (quiet === 'true' || quiet === 'Y' || quiet === 'Yes' || quiet === 'yes' ) { bot.on("chat", (username, message) => { if (username === bot.username) return; var pmessage = message.split(' ') const target = bot.players[username] ? bot.players[username].entity : null; if (username === bot.username) return if (username != owner) { console.log("Player " + username + "OXI FREE COMMAND FOR YOU") return } // command gia ELA if (message === "_come") { if (!target) { console.log("I don't see you !"); return; } const p = target.position; bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalNear(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)); // command gia Pane kapou x y z } else if (message.startsWith("goto")) { const cmd = message.split(" "); if (cmd.length === 4) { // goto x y z const x = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); const y = parseInt(cmd[2], 10); const z = parseInt(cmd[3], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalBlock(x, y, z)); } else if (cmd.length === 3) { // goto x z const x = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); const z = parseInt(cmd[2], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalXZ(x, z)); } else if (cmd.length === 2) { // goto y const y = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalY(y)); } // command akolouda } else if (message === "_follow") { if (!target) { console.log("I can't see " + username) return } bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalFollow(target, 3), true); isAttackingMobs = "false" // command apofige } else if (message === "_avoid") { bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalInvert(new GoalFollow(target, 5)), true); // command stamata(to Pathfinder an dimame kala) // command gia na parei block(dokimastiko gia allo command pio poly xD) } if (message === "_stop") { console.log('stopping') stopGuarding() } if (message == "_tp") {'/teleport ' + bot.username + " " + username) console.log("Teleported to " + username) } if (message === '_guard') { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) { console.log("I can't see the eria. If I can't see the player I can't find the eria to guard") return }"I will guard this area from mobs") guardArea(player.entity.position) } if (message === "_list") { sayItems() } if (message === "_fight me") { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) { console.log("can't see the player") return } bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } if (message === '_fight') { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) { console.log("can't see the" + username) return } bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } if (message === "_help") {"Help")' ')'_guard (It guards a selected area from hostile mobs)')'_list (It tells which items the bot has)')'_follow (It follows you everywhere)')'_fight (It fights you)')'_attack (It attacks players by username or hostiles)')"_goto (it comes to a specific location with the game's cordinates (x y z) or (x z) or (y))")'_avoid (It avoids entities around it)')'_tp (teleports to you (this options needs op))')'_stop (It stops)') console.log("Help") console.log(' ') console.log('_guard (It guards a selected area from hostile mobs)') console.log('_list (It tells which items the bot has)') console.log('_follow (It follows you everywhere)') console.log('_fight (It fights you)') console.log('_attack (It attacks players by username or hostiles)') console.log("_goto (it comes to a specific location with the game's cordinates (x y z) or (x z) or (y))") console.log('_avoid (It avoids entities around it)') console.log('_tp (teleports to you (this options needs op))') console.log('_stop (It stops)') } if (pmessage[0] === "_attack") { if (pmessage[1] === "hostiles") { isAttackingMobs = "true" console.log("Attacking Hostiles!") } else { const player = bot.players[pmessage[1]] if (!player) { return } if (pmessage[1]) { bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } } } else if (quiet === 'false' || quiet === 'N' || quiet === 'no' || quiet === 'No' || quiet === 'Nope') { bot.on("chat", (username, message) => { if (username === bot.username) return; var pmessage = message.split(' ') const target = bot.players[username] ? bot.players[username].entity : null; if (username === bot.username) return if (username != owner) { console.log("Player " + username + "OXI FREE COMMAND FOR YOU") return } // command gia ELA if (message === "_come") { if (!target) {"I don't see you !"); return; } const p = target.position; bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalNear(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)); // command gia Pane kapou x y z } else if (message.startsWith("_goto")) { const cmd = message.split(" "); if (cmd.length === 4) { // goto x y z const x = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); const y = parseInt(cmd[2], 10); const z = parseInt(cmd[3], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalBlock(x, y, z)); } else if (cmd.length === 3) { // goto x z const x = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); const z = parseInt(cmd[2], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalXZ(x, z)); } else if (cmd.length === 2) { // goto y const y = parseInt(cmd[1], 10); bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalY(y)); } // command akolouda } else if (message === "follow") { bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalFollow(target, 3), true); // command apofige } else if (message === "avoid") { bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalInvert(new GoalFollow(target, 5)), true); // command stamata(to Pathfinder an dimame kala) // command gia na parei block(dokimastiko gia allo command pio poly xD) } if (message === "_stop") { console.log('stopping') stopGuarding() } if (message == "_tp") {'/teleport ' + bot.username + " " + username) bot.whisper(username, "I AM HERE " + username) console.log("Teleported to " + username) } if (message == "_follow") { if (!target) {"i cant see you") return } bot.whisper(username, "FOLLOWING YOU") console.log("FOLLOWING " + username) bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalFollow(target, 3), true) isAttackingMobs = "false" } if (message === '_guard') { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) {"COME HERE TO PLAY") return }"I will guard this area from mobs") guardArea(player.entity.position) } if (message === "_list") { sayItems() } if (message === "_fight me") { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) {"I can't see you") return }"You are dead my friend") bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } if (message === '_fight') { const player = bot.players[username] if (!player) {"come here looser") return }"LETS DANCE") bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } if (message === "_help") {"Help")' ')'_guard (It guards a selected area from hostile mobs)')'_list (It tells which items the bot has)')'_follow (It follows you everywhere)')'_fight (It fights you)')'_attack (It attacks players by username or hostiles)')"_goto (it comes to a specific location with the game's cordinates (x y z) or (x z) or (y))")'_avoid (It avoids entities around it)')'_tp (teleports to you (this options needs op))')'_stop (It stops)') console.log("Help") console.log(' ') console.log('_guard (It guards a selected area from hostile mobs)') console.log('_list (It tells which items the bot has)') console.log('_follow (It follows you everywhere)') console.log('_fight (It fights you)') console.log('_attack (It attacks players by username or hostiles)') console.log("_goto (it comes to a specific location with the game's cordinates (x y z) or (x z) or (y))") console.log('_avoid (It avoids entities around it)') console.log('_tp (teleports to you (this options needs op))') console.log('_stop (It stops)') } if (pmessage[0] === "_attack") { if (pmessage[1] === "hostiles") { isAttackingMobs = "true" console.log("Attacking Hostiles!")"Attacking hostiles!") } else { const player = bot.players[pmessage[1]] if (!player) {"Come here you cower "+ player) return } if (pmessage[1]) { bot.pvp.attack(player.entity) } } } } ,); } })}}) And it the inventory is: (this isn;t my code) /* A library for working with inventory */ let _this; class Inventory { constructor(config) { =; _this = this; } // This is the handler that is called when the bot detects an 'inv' command. handleInventory(cmd) { try { const invCmd = cmd[1]; if (invCmd === "list") { this.sayItems(); } else if (invCmd === "toss") { this.tossItem(cmd); } else if (invCmd === "equip") { this.equipItem(cmd); } } catch (err) { console.error("Error in handleInventory: ", err);`Error trying to handle 'inv' command.`); } } // async equipItem (name, destination) { async equipItem(cmd) { try { const name = cmd[2]; const item = _this.itemByName(name); const destination = "hand"; if (item) { try { await, destination);`equipped ${name}`); } catch (err) {`cannot equip ${name}: ${err.message}`); } } else {`I have no ${name}`); } } catch (err) { console.log("Error in equipItem: ", err);`Error trying to equipItem()`); } } tossItem(cmd) { try { const amount = 1; const name = cmd[2]; const item = _this.itemByName(name); if (!item) {`I have no ${name}`); } else if (amount) {, null, amount, checkIfTossed); } else {, checkIfTossed); } function checkIfTossed(err) { if (err) {`unable to toss: ${err.message}`); } else if (amount) {`tossed ${amount} x ${name}`); } else {`tossed ${name}`); } } } catch (err) { console.error("Error in tossItem: ", err);`Error trying to tossItem()`); } } itemByName(name) { return => === name)[0]; } sayItems(items = { const output =", "); if (output) {; } else {"empty"); } } itemToString(item) { if (item) { return `${} x ${item.count}`; } else { return "(nothing)"; } } } module.exports = Inventory; ```
amoraschi commented 2 years ago

That really is understandable, thanks. Maybe it's this

await, destination);
aloualou56 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I will try your suggestion!