Open SinanAkkoyun opened 3 months ago
Please help here, this might resolve this issue
Everything below y=0 doesn't render. I already updated the lib/models.js
function renderLiquid (world, cursor, texture, type, biome, water, attr) {
const heights = []
for (let z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
for (let x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
heights.push(getLiquidRenderHeight(world, world.getBlock(cursor.offset(x, -64, z)), type))
const cornerHeights = [
Math.max(Math.max(heights[0], heights[1]), Math.max(heights[3], heights[4])),
Math.max(Math.max(heights[1], heights[2]), Math.max(heights[4], heights[5])),
Math.max(Math.max(heights[3], heights[4]), Math.max(heights[6], heights[7])),
Math.max(Math.max(heights[4], heights[5]), Math.max(heights[7], heights[8]))
for (const face in elemFaces) {
const { dir, corners } = elemFaces[face]
const isUp = dir[1] === 1
const neighbor = world.getBlock(cursor.offset(...dir))
if (!neighbor) continue
if (neighbor.type === type) continue
if ((neighbor.isCube && !isUp) || neighbor.material === 'plant' || neighbor.getProperties().waterlogged) continue
if (neighbor.position.y < -64) continue
let tint = [1, 1, 1]
if (water) {
let m = 1 // Fake lighting to improve lisibility
if (Math.abs(dir[0]) > 0) m = 0.6
else if (Math.abs(dir[2]) > 0) m = 0.8
tint = tints.water[biome]
tint = [tint[0] * m, tint[1] * m, tint[2] * m]
const u = texture.u
const v = texture.v
const su =
const sv =
for (const pos of corners) {
const height = cornerHeights[pos[2] * 2 + pos[0]]
(pos[0] ? 1 : 0) + (cursor.x & 15) - 8,
(pos[1] ? height : 0) + (cursor.y & 15) - 8,
(pos[2] ? 1 : 0) + (cursor.z & 15) - 8)
attr.t_uvs.push(pos[3] * su + u, pos[4] * sv * (pos[1] ? 1 : height) + v)
attr.t_colors.push(tint[0], tint[1], tint[2])
(notice cursor start and neighor y check, did the same for renderElement and changed cursor start in getSectionGeometry to -64)
But still no luck!
It must have something to do with the dirty sections not being able to load below 0 blocks
@rom1504 Given you have most contributions I wanted to ask if you know what's happening, as the bot seems to work just fine in the world (and mesh generation clearly accounts for blocks lower than y 0 as seen in the screenshot)
function getSectionGeometry (sx, sy, sz, world, blocksStates) {
const attr = {
sx: sx + 8,
sy: sy + 8,
sz: sz + 8,
positions: [],
normals: [],
colors: [],
uvs: [],
t_positions: [],
t_normals: [],
t_colors: [],
t_uvs: [],
indices: []
const cursor = new Vec3(0, -64, 0)
for (cursor.y = sy; cursor.y < sy + 16; cursor.y++) {
for (cursor.z = sz; cursor.z < sz + 16; cursor.z++) {
for (cursor.x = sx; cursor.x < sx + 16; cursor.x++) {
const block = world.getBlock(cursor)
// console.log('lel')
if(block.type !== 0) console.log("Block " + block.type)
However, here, world.getBlock only returns the blocks above y 0
World takes it's blocks by addColumn <- addColumn in worldrenderer (my mod):
addColumn (x, z, chunk) {
this.loadedChunks[`${x},${z}`] = true
for (const worker of this.workers) {
worker.postMessage({ type: 'chunk', x, z, chunk })
for (let y = -64; y < 256; y += 16) {
const loc = new Vec3(x, y, z)
this.setSectionDirty(loc.offset(-16, 0, 0))
this.setSectionDirty(loc.offset(16, 0, 0))
this.setSectionDirty(loc.offset(0, 0, -16))
this.setSectionDirty(loc.offset(0, 0, 16))
Still nothing
On servers, flat worlds do not get rendered (also every user placed block too)
Bot click walk works flawlessly, despite noting being rendered