PrismaticFlower / swbf-unmunge

A totally groovy tool for getting access to game files for a game from 2005.
MIT License
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Unmunge HUD defect #25

Open BAD-AL opened 3 years ago

BAD-AL commented 3 years ago

Was chatting with AnthonyBF2 on HUD last night and he pointed out that the HUDs are not unmunging totally correctly.


PrismaticFlower commented 3 years ago

Ah yeah, I think I remember someone else bringing this up as well. (But I forgot about it because it was just in passing.) Thanks for opening an issue for it. This is something that definitely should be addressed.

BAD-AL commented 3 years ago

Also... A similar issue exists in .snd files for the property 'Parent'?


BAD-AL commented 5 months ago

I fixed the HUD unmunge in the following way on a local copy (handle_config.cpp) Could be a more general way, I'm not sure but here's a solution for the HUD unmunge (for your consideration).

std::string read_tag_data(Ucfb_reader_strict<"DATA"_mn> data,
                          const Swbf_fnv_hashes& swbf_hashes,
                          const std::size_t indention_level)
   const auto hash = data.read_trivial<std::uint32_t>();

   std::string line;
   std::string name;
   line.append(indention_level, '\t');
   name = swbf_hashes.lookup(hash);
   line += name;
   if (name == "Position" || name == "PositionSmall" || name == "PositionLarge" || name == "PositionSpawn" ) {
      line += "("sv;
      const auto element_count = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint8_t>();
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < element_count; ++i) {
         if (i < 3) {
            line += cast_number_value(data.read_trivial_unaligned<float>());
            line += ", "sv;
         else {
            auto offset1 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();
            auto offset2 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();// used for len
            auto str1 = data.read_string_unaligned();
            //line += "\"Viewport\""sv;
            line += "\""sv;
            line += str1;
            line += "\""sv;
      line += ");\n"sv;
   else if (name == "BitmapRect" || name == "Rect") { //BitmapRect(0.212315, 0.016690, "Left", "Top", "Viewport")
      line += "("sv;
      const auto element_count = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint8_t>();
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < element_count; ++i) {
         if (i < 2) {
            line += cast_number_value(data.read_trivial_unaligned<float>());
            line += ", "sv;
         else if (i == 2) {
            auto offset1 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();
            auto offset2 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();
            auto offset3 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();
            auto offset4 = data.read_trivial_unaligned<std::uint32_t>();
            auto str1 = data.read_string_unaligned();
            auto str2 = data.read_string_unaligned();
            auto str3 = data.read_string_unaligned();

            line += "\""sv;
            line += str1;
            line += "\", \""sv;
            line += str2;
            line += "\", \""sv;
            line += str3;
            line += "\""sv;
      line += ");\n"sv;
   } else {
       // do something, pretty useless though. :(
      line += "();\n"sv;
   return line;