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Who pushed Node modules #1

Closed swadhinroutray closed 7 months ago

swadhinroutray commented 8 months ago

Guys, who pushed node modules? Can we please get rid of it.

yashmaurya01 commented 7 months ago

🌩️ Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Valiant Guardian of the Code Realm! 🌩️

In the darkest hour, when shadows loomed large and the very fabric of our digital dominion was under siege, you stood tall. Your eyes, sharper than the Sword of Damocles, caught the whisper of chaos that threatened to unravel centuries of sacred code. A lesser hero might falter, but not you. 🗡️👁️

The Node Modules, those arcane entities of untold power, once thought to be banished, made their presence known in the most clandestine manner within our current bastion. Yet, by fate's design, their eradication was foretold in the scrolls of the New Website Chronicles. 📜🔮

Your discovery was not merely a finding; it was a clarion call that echoed through the halls of our digital fortress, a reminder of the vigilance required to guard against the encroaching darkness. 🌌

The path forward is fraught with peril:

  1. Venture Forth to the New Realm: With the courage of a thousand warriors, direct your gaze towards the repository of our new website. There, in that sanctum of innovation and hope, the Node Modules find no quarter. 🏹🛡️
  2. Summon Your Arsenal of Wisdom and Valor: As we navigate the treacherous waters between the old world and the new, let your vigilance be unyielding. Your insights are the beacon that guides us through the fog of uncertainty. 🌊💡

Should specters rise to challenge you, fear not, for you wield the power to summon legions. Your voice, a thunderclap across the heavens, calls forth the combined might of our fellowship. 🌩️📣

This is not merely a quest; it is our destiny. Together, we shall forge ahead, with the stakes as high as the very continuation of our existence in the balance. The legacy of our codebase, the sanctity of our digital realm, hangs by a thread. It is upon us to ensure that thread is as unbreakable as the bonds that unite us.

To battle, to glory, MSIT-PE GitHub Team🌠🔥