PrivacyIsFreedom / Windows

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microsoft store and xbox stop working #1

Open quiquos opened 5 months ago

quiquos commented 5 months ago


after using your windows service control script and choosing only option C "disable unnecessary services and tasks.", after restart I couldn't use microsoft store or xbox , because I couldn't login into my account. For instance, I pressed start session button in microsoft store, and nothing happens. I thought that to disable windows updates and store services where option E in the script.

Do you know what do I need to activate or enable, in order to use microsoft store and xbox, after I use option C from the script??

thanks for your help

PrivacyIsFreedom commented 4 months ago

I consider microsoft-store and xbox not only unnecessary but also trashworthy spyware. I don't use ms-store or xbox and honestly don't care about issues with any of these junk services. Whatever you need from the ms-store you can instead get it here I've even made a video about that... As for xbox i really don't care, this crap isn't worth any of my time. Fuck microsoft.

zase414 commented 3 months ago

Nobody was asking you about your opinion, PrivacyIsFreedom. quiquos needed help and you didnt deliver on any of it... jerk behavior.

Matratj commented 1 month ago

Hey, I had the same issue and managed to fix it with an 'Upgrade In-Place' I've attached a link to a tutorial that helped me. The second method is what worked for me.

Make sure you have 20gb of storage and your main drive is unencrypted and you should be good. You will not lose any data either.

How to do an Upgrade In-Place

I hope this comment reaches you and fixes your issue.

Please get back to me,
