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Android APIs: SpeechRecognizer and Geocoder - SDK request #12

Open mark-ha opened 2 years ago

mark-ha commented 2 years ago

Name: SpeechRecognizer and Geocoder Uses: SpeechRecognizer transmits audio off device for speech recognition; Geocoder transmits location off device to obtain an address Owner: Google Links to the SDK:

Please tell us about the platforms for which the SDK exists [x] Android [ ] iOS

This is perhaps unusual in that these aren't third party SDKs that you bundle with an application, but part of the Android OS. Nonetheless, I see nothing in the rules that exempts such situations, and they involve personal data being sent off device - but the API documentation gives very little details, and not enough for developers to answer the Google Play questions.

I have already created an issue with Google at , but I thought I'd create an issue here to let people know, or in case anyone else has already found an answer.

I've created a single issue here for both SpeechRecognizer and Geocoder for simplicity, but they could be split into two issues if that's preferred.

Thanks for creating this useful repository!