Privado-Inc / SDK-Privacy-Report

Privacy details of SDKs for Apple Privacy Nutrition & Google Safety Section disclosure.
MIT License
358 stars 39 forks source link

Update link revenuecat - spreadsheet #15

Closed 123dma closed 2 years ago

123dma commented 2 years ago

Please provide information about the SDK Name: Revenuecat Uses: Purchase history Name (as on the CSV file): Android App - SDK Privacy Report.csv


vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@123dma - updated the link and values based on official documentation. Thanks for sharing 👍

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@123dma - We have launched a free Data Safety Generator tool based on our experience so far. Would you be kind enough to test it?

Link to tool: