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Branch SDK request #20

Closed chao2zhang closed 2 years ago

chao2zhang commented 2 years ago

Please provide information about the SDK Name: Branch Uses: Owner: Links to the SDK: Branch also recently pushed a data safety section answer here.

Please tell us about the platforms for which the SDK exists [X] Android [X] iOS

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@chao2zhang Thanks again, added and closed the PR.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@chao2zhang - We have launched a free Data Safety Generator tool based on our experience so far. Would you be kind enough to test it?

Link to tool:

chao2zhang commented 2 years ago

Hey @vaibhavantil1 , I can definitely try out as I have a 90% complete draft of the Google Play Safety. I will use this tool to cross-verify the answers.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

Awesome, @chao2zhang - This will help a lot. Look forward to your feedback!