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Understanding Google Play Data Safety Form Timeline - is it safe to update apps before April without form submission? #30

Closed dirkam closed 2 years ago

dirkam commented 2 years ago


I'm sorry that this is not directly related to SDKs, though this project seems to be active and it might be useful for others, too.

I'm not sure I fully understand the wording on the deadlines for the form submission. Is it safe and OK to submit an app update as of now (February) before having the form declared on Google Play? The deadline is April, that's clear. But there are wording for the February timeline updates, which makes it unclear if Google Play accepts app updates without the form submitted between February and April.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Timeline information

Thanks for this great initiative.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@dirkam - I am trying at my end and will update.

Also, to make it easier, we have launched a Data Safety Report generator. Will you be kind enough to test it and give us feedback?

Here is the free Data Safety Generator:

dirkam commented 2 years ago

@vaibhavantil1 Thank you! When I'm in the process of actually putting this together, I'll definitely check this tool out.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@dirkam - just submitted the app, it's under review. I will let you know once it is approved.

dirkam commented 2 years ago

@vaibhavantil1 is it still under review?

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

Got approved.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@vaibhavantil1 Thank you! When I'm in the process of actually putting this together, I'll definitely check this tool out.

@dirkam - Did you get time to check out the tool? Let me know if you need any help.