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Too many "data sharing yes" for Google SDKs? #33

Open m-melis opened 2 years ago

m-melis commented 2 years ago

Hi, first, thanks for your work, much appreciated.

I'm a bit in doubt about a few instances when data sharing has been flagged as yes in the list. I can clearly distinguish two cases for google SDKs. In their documentation, you can find "Data collected and shared automatically" and "Data collected automatically". So we have:

Data collected and shared automatically

Data collected automatically (shared not mentioned)

Sharing of course also depends on your actual usage of data but talking about automatic sharing, I can only see confirmation of what is listed above.


vaibhavantil2 commented 2 years ago

@m-melis Thanks for pointing out. The reason I have assigned sharing for these SDKs is that sharing is considered when data goes to a third party and they process data for their own purposes. For Google, it seems they do that a lot.

However, I will again re-read it and revert.

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@m-melis - One more thing. I have built a free Data Safety Form Generator. Would you be kind enough to be a beta user and give us feedback?

Link to tool:

m-melis commented 2 years ago

@m-melis - One more thing. I have built a free Data Safety Form Generator. Would you be kind enough to be a beta user and give us feedback?

Link to tool:

Sure, going to check!

vaibhavantil1 commented 2 years ago

@m-melis Did you get a chance to try our CLI tool that automatically generates Play Store Data Safety Report? Really look forward to your feedback.

vaibhavantil2 commented 2 years ago

@m-melis - One more thing. I have built a free Data Safety Form Generator. Would you be kind enough to be a beta user and give us feedback? Link to tool:

Sure, going to check!

@m-melis - Let me know if you need some help in trying out the tool.

scottg489-tw commented 7 months ago

We are wondering this as well. In particular, would Google Analytics be considered a "Service provider" via the definition here?

“Service provider” means an entity that processes user data on behalf of the developer and based on the developer’s instructions.

And on top of that, if you are only gathering default information, would it not be considered "Anonymous data"?

Anonymous data. Transferring user data that has been fully anonymized so that it can no longer be associated with an individual user.

If the answer is "yes" to either of these, then it wouldn't be considered sharing.