Open tyrantcwj opened 10 months ago
update from original and try again~
[00:16:36.354] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1 [00:16:36.480] Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: 0b647e1) [00:16:36.845] Previous build cache not available [00:16:36.930] Cloning completed: 449.997ms [00:16:37.365] Running "vercel build" [00:16:37.882] Vercel CLI 33.1.0 [00:16:38.837] Detected
pnpm-lock.yamlversion 6 generated by pnpm 8 [00:16:38.863] Installing dependencies... [00:16:39.598] Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped [00:16:39.770] Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0 [00:16:40.062] Packages: +1275 [00:16:40.063] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [00:16:40.258] [00:16:40.258] ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ [00:16:40.258] │ │ [00:16:40.258] │ Update available! 8.14.0 → 8.14.1. │ [00:16:40.259] │ Changelog: │ [00:16:40.259] │ Run "pnpm add -g pnpm" to update. │ [00:16:40.259] │ │ [00:16:40.259] │ Follow @pnpmjs for updates: │ [00:16:40.259] │ │ [00:16:40.259] ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ [00:16:40.259] [00:16:41.137] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0 [00:16:42.136] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 29, added 13 [00:16:43.137] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 69, added 53 [00:16:44.138] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 248, added 232 [00:16:45.140] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 357, added 343 [00:16:46.140] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 515, added 502 [00:16:47.141] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 550, added 536 [00:16:48.141] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 589, added 578 [00:16:49.142] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 725, added 724 [00:16:50.143] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 759, added 744 [00:16:51.143] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 791, added 781 [00:16:52.143] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 895, added 883 [00:16:53.144] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 962, added 947 [00:16:54.144] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 1048, added 1037 [00:16:55.145] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 1162, added 1148 [00:16:56.147] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 1275, added 1264 [00:16:56.165] Progress: resolved 1275, reused 0, downloaded 1275, added 1275, done [00:16:56.663] .../node_modules/postinstall-postinstall postinstall$ node ./run.js [00:16:56.664] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall$ node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}" [00:16:56.665] .../node_modules/protobufjs postinstall$ node scripts/postinstall [00:16:56.780] .../node_modules/postinstall-postinstall postinstall: Done [00:16:56.803] .../node_modules/protobufjs postinstall: Done [00:16:56.809] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library! [00:16:56.810] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: The project needs your help! Please consider supporting core-js: [00:16:56.810] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: > [00:16:56.810] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: > [00:16:56.810] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: > [00:16:56.811] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: > bitcoin: bc1qlea7544qtsmj2rayg0lthvza9fau63ux0fstcz [00:16:56.811] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: I highly recommend reading this: [00:16:56.820] .../node_modules/core-js-pure postinstall: Done [00:16:57.470] [00:16:57.470] dependencies: [00:16:57.471] + @metamask/onboarding 1.0.1 [00:16:57.471] + @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin 0.5.11 [00:16:57.471] + @radix-ui/react-popover 1.0.7 [00:16:57.471] + @react-oauth/google 0.12.1 [00:16:57.471] + @reduxjs/toolkit 2.0.1 [00:16:57.472] + @svgr/webpack 8.1.0 [00:16:57.472] + @tippyjs/react 4.2.6 [00:16:57.472] + @toast-ui/editor 3.2.2 [00:16:57.472] + @toast-ui/editor-plugin-code-syntax-highlight 3.1.0 [00:16:57.472] + @toast-ui/react-editor 3.2.3 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-break 25.0.1 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-combobox 25.0.1 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-common 25.0.1 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-emoji 25.0.1 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-floating 26.0.4 [00:16:57.472] + @udecode/plate-font 25.0.1 [00:16:57.473] + @udecode/plate-mention 25.0.1 [00:16:57.473] + @udecode/plate-node-id 25.0.1 [00:16:57.473] + @udecode/plate-paragraph 25.0.1 [00:16:57.473] + @udecode/plate-trailing-block 25.0.1 [00:16:57.473] + @uiball/loaders 1.3.1 [00:16:57.474] + agora-rtc-sdk-ng 4.20.0 [00:16:57.474] + broadcast-channel 7.0.0 [00:16:57.474] + browserslist 4.22.2 [00:16:57.474] + clsx 2.1.0 [00:16:57.474] + copy-image-clipboard 2.1.2 [00:16:57.474] + css-loader 6.9.0 [00:16:57.474] + css-minimizer-webpack-plugin 5.0.1 [00:16:57.474] + dayjs 1.11.10 [00:16:57.474] + eslint 8.56.0 [00:16:57.475] + firebase 10.7.1 [00:16:57.475] + framer-motion 10.18.0 [00:16:57.475] + fs-extra 11.2.0 [00:16:57.475] + heic2any 0.0.4 [00:16:57.475] + html-webpack-plugin 5.6.0 [00:16:57.475] + i18next 23.7.16 [00:16:57.475] + i18next-browser-languagedetector 7.2.0 [00:16:57.475] + i18next-http-backend 2.4.2 [00:16:57.475] + linkify-plugin-mention 4.1.3 [00:16:57.475] + linkify-react 4.1.3 [00:16:57.476] + linkifyjs 4.1.3 [00:16:57.476] + localforage 1.10.0 [00:16:57.476] + localforage-setitems 1.4.0 [00:16:57.476] + lodash 4.17.21 [00:16:57.476] + masonry-layout 4.2.2 [00:16:57.476] + mini-css-extract-plugin 2.7.7 [00:16:57.476] + prismjs 1.29.0 [00:16:57.476] + qrcode.react 3.1.0 [00:16:57.476] + react 18.2.0 [00:16:57.476] + react-dev-utils 12.0.1 [00:16:57.476] + react-dnd 16.0.1 [00:16:57.477] + react-dnd-html5-backend 16.0.1 [00:16:57.477] + react-dom 18.2.0 [00:16:57.477] + react-error-boundary 4.0.12 [00:16:57.477] + react-helmet 6.1.0 [00:16:57.477] + react-hot-toast 2.4.1 [00:16:57.477] + react-i18next 13.5.0 [00:16:57.477] + react-redux 9.0.4 [00:16:57.477] + react-refresh 0.14.0 [00:16:57.477] + react-router-dom 6.21.1 [00:16:57.477] + react-syntax-highlighter 15.5.0 [00:16:57.477] + react-textarea-autosize 8.5.3 [00:16:57.478] + react-use-wizard 2.2.4 [00:16:57.478] + react-viewport-list 7.1.2 [00:16:57.478] + react-virtuoso 4.6.2 [00:16:57.478] + rooks 7.14.1 [00:16:57.478] + slate 0.101.5 [00:16:57.478] + slate-history 0.100.0 [00:16:57.478] + slate-hyperscript 0.100.0 [00:16:57.478] + slate-react 0.101.3 [00:16:57.478] + source-map-loader 4.0.2 [00:16:57.480] + style-loader 3.3.4 [00:16:57.480] + tailwind-merge 2.1.0 [00:16:57.480] + terser-webpack-plugin 5.3.10 [00:16:57.480] + tippy.js 6.3.7 [00:16:57.480] + typescript 5.3.3 [00:16:57.480] + wavesurfer.js 7.6.3 [00:16:57.481] + webpack 5.89.0 [00:16:57.481] + webpack-dev-server 4.15.1 [00:16:57.481] + webpack-manifest-plugin 5.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-core 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-expiration 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-precaching 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-routing 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-strategies 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] + workbox-webpack-plugin 7.0.0 [00:16:57.481] [00:16:57.482] devDependencies: [00:16:57.482] + @babel/core 7.23.7 [00:16:57.483] + @ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports 4.1.1 [00:16:57.483] + @types/masonry-layout 4.2.7 [00:16:57.483] + @types/node 20.11.0 [00:16:57.484] + @types/react 18.2.42 [00:16:57.484] + @types/react-dom 18.2.18 [00:16:57.485] + @types/react-helmet 6.1.11 [00:16:57.485] + @types/react-syntax-highlighter 15.5.11 [00:16:57.485] + @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 6.18.1 [00:16:57.486] + @typescript-eslint/parser 6.18.1 [00:16:57.486] + @welldone-software/why-did-you-render 7.0.1 [00:16:57.487] + autoprefixer 10.4.16 [00:16:57.487] + babel-loader 9.1.3 [00:16:57.488] + babel-plugin-named-asset-import 0.3.8 [00:16:57.488] + babel-preset-react-app 10.0.1 [00:16:57.488] + eslint-config-prettier 9.1.0 [00:16:57.488] + eslint-plugin-import 2.29.1 [00:16:57.488] + eslint-plugin-prettier 5.1.3 [00:16:57.490] + eslint-plugin-react 7.33.2 [00:16:57.490] + eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0 [00:16:57.491] + gh-pages 6.1.1 [00:16:57.491] + md5-file 5.0.0 [00:16:57.491] + patch-package 8.0.0 [00:16:57.491] + postcss 8.4.33 [00:16:57.491] + postcss-loader 7.3.4 [00:16:57.491] + postinstall-postinstall 2.1.0 [00:16:57.491] + prettier 3.1.1 [00:16:57.491] + tailwindcss 3.4.1 [00:16:57.492] + webpack-bundle-analyzer 4.10.1 [00:16:57.492] [00:16:57.513] [00:16:57.513] > vocechat-web@0.6.10 postinstall /vercel/path0 [00:16:57.513] > patch-package [00:16:57.513] [00:16:57.758] patch-package 8.0.0 [00:16:57.770] Applying patches... [00:16:57.857] @toast-ui/editor@3.2.1 ✔ [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] Warning: patch-package detected a patch file version mismatch [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] Don't worry! This is probably fine. The patch was still applied [00:16:57.857] successfully. Here's the deets: [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] Patch file created for [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] @toast-ui/editor@3.2.1 [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] applied to [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] @toast-ui/editor@3.2.2 [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] At path [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] node_modules/@toast-ui/editor [00:16:57.857] [00:16:57.857] This warning is just to give you a heads-up. There is a small chance of [00:16:57.857] breakage even though the patch was applied successfully. Make sure the package [00:16:57.858] still behaves like you expect (you wrote tests, right?) and then run [00:16:57.858] [00:16:57.858] patch-package @toast-ui/editor [00:16:57.858] [00:16:57.858] to update the version in the patch file name and make this warning go away. [00:16:57.858] [00:16:57.858] --- [00:16:57.858] patch-package finished with 1 warning(s). [00:16:57.864] Done in 18.9s [00:16:57.954] Running "pnpm run build" [00:16:58.500] [00:16:58.500] > vocechat-web@0.6.10 build /vercel/path0 [00:16:58.500] > rm -rf build && REACT_APP_BUILD_TIME=$(date +%s) GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false node scripts/build.js [00:16:58.500] [00:17:00.114] Creating an optimized production build... [00:18:43.763] [1mWebpack Bundle Analyzer[22m is started at [1mhttp://[22m [00:18:43.764] Use [1mCtrl+C[22m to close it [00:18:43.766] Compiled successfully. [00:18:43.766] [00:18:43.766] File sizes after gzip: [00:18:43.766] [00:18:44.413] 896.96 kB build/static/js/widget.c3d1b5db.js [00:18:44.415] 734.75 kB build/static/js/396.780cde77.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 316.04 kB build/static/js/69.53864b55.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 225 kB build/static/js/main.83005bde.js [00:18:44.415] 221.88 kB build/static/js/665.93f47540.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 220.19 kB build/static/js/553.a167973d.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 108.53 kB build/static/css/553.7e37b101.chunk.css [00:18:44.415] 42.64 kB build/static/js/555.6c638b7d.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 27.81 kB build/static/js/176.75a8874c.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 21.73 kB build/static/js/877.880e8c9e.chunk.js [00:18:44.415] 16.95 kB build/static/css/widget.d5a8617b.css [00:18:44.416] 13.27 kB build/static/css/main.d25c74ab.css [00:18:44.416] 12.08 kB build/static/js/638.a30d8365.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 10.91 kB build/static/js/870.23511658.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 10.12 kB build/static/js/41.252f1c5a.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 9.96 kB build/static/js/474.6c745eba.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 9.2 kB build/static/js/133.7be2ee2e.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 8.69 kB build/static/js/23.189ccd5d.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 8.59 kB build/static/js/184.e8fc5477.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 8.37 kB build/static/js/629.3803916d.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 7.95 kB build/static/js/594.28945f02.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 7.29 kB build/static/js/153.00f6081b.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 6.94 kB build/static/js/226.69fa04bd.chunk.js [00:18:44.416] 6.66 kB build/static/js/595.bd39d447.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 6.1 kB build/static/js/604.fa7c1d4b.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 5.56 kB build/static/js/949.e5104eea.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 5.32 kB build/static/js/424.1d5221fd.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 4.87 kB build/static/js/5.e32f4122.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 3.93 kB build/static/css/396.bf2a5893.chunk.css [00:18:44.417] 3.85 kB build/static/js/473.71513c7a.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 3.45 kB build/static/js/444.4253cdbb.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 2.97 kB build/static/js/646.6f092147.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 2.73 kB build/static/js/678.323bf8d0.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 2.63 kB build/static/js/625.ccb90084.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 2.27 kB build/static/js/68.8ec22cbf.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 2.2 kB build/static/js/729.0f44debe.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 1.66 kB build/static/js/580.6a62c78d.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 883 B build/static/js/354.1fab3236.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 704 B build/static/js/620.22564dea.chunk.js [00:18:44.417] 590 B build/static/js/648.47745f4d.chunk.js [00:18:44.418] 310 B build/static/js/857.7842bc72.chunk.js [00:18:44.418] 266 B build/static/css/176.cdf1fe26.chunk.css [00:18:44.418] The project was built assuming it is hosted at /. [00:18:44.418] You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json. [00:18:44.418] [00:18:44.418] The build folder is ready to be deployed. [00:18:44.418] You may serve it with a static server: [00:18:44.418] [00:18:44.418] npm install -g serve [00:18:44.418] serve -s build [00:18:44.419] [00:18:44.419] Find out more about deployment here: [00:18:44.419] [00:18:44.419] [00:18:44.419]