Priyanka-3008 / MVP-Assignment

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API #2

Open shibiyamvp opened 1 month ago

shibiyamvp commented 1 month ago
  1. Create a flask Application with a simple GET and POST APIs a. create a GET API - /get-list: which will list all the tool names, it will list null if no tools there. b. create a POST API - /add-tool: which will add a new tool to the list. Request body for this API is a json: {"tool_name" : " "} and return "updated" as response for this if its success. Return error if any issues there.

  2. Image Resizer and Converter

Create an API that resizes and converts images. The code should be able to take an input directory of images or a single image, resize them to a specified dimension, and convert them to a specified format (e.g., from PNG to JPEG).


image/directory of images dimension format

Priyanka-3008 commented 4 weeks ago

TASK-1 from flask import Flask, request from flask import jsonify app=Flask(name) tools=[ {'sampletool':'explanaton','mytools':'tools'} ] @app.route('/hello/',methods=['GET','POST']) def welcome(): return "Hello flask its a task"

@app.route('/getlist',methods=['GET']) def getlist(): if not tools: return jsonify({"tools":None}) return jsonify({"tools":tools})

@app.route('/addtool',methods=['POST']) def addtool(): data=request.get_json() toolname=data.get('toolname')

if not toolname:
    return jsonify({"Error":"Tool name can not be empty"}),400
return jsonify({"Message":"Updated the tools list"}),201

if name=='main':

TASK-2 from flask import Flask,request,jsonify from PIL import Image import os import uuid


@app.route('/welcome',methods=['GET','POST']) def welcome(): return "A image resizer & image convertor website"

@app.route('/resizeandconvert',methods=['POST']) def resizeandconvert(): tar_width=request.form.get('width',type=int) tar_height=request.form.get('height',type=int) tar_format=request.form.get('format') input_path=request.form.get('path')

if not input_path or not os.path.exists(input_path):
    return jsonify({"error":"No valid image path is provided"})

if tar_width is None or tar_height is None or tar_format is None:
    return jsonify({"error":"width,height and format are required to perform image resizing"}),400


if os.path.isdir(input_path):
    for filename in os.listdir(input_path):
        if os.path.isfile(file_path) and is_image_file(file_path):

elif os.path.isfile(input_path) and is_image_file(input_path):
    return jsonify({"Error":"Provided path is not a directory please check and upload the path again"}),400
return jsonify({"Message":"Images are resized and converted","Files":outputfiles}),200

def is_image_file(file_path): valid_extensions={'.jpg','.png','.bmp','.gif','.tiff'} ext=os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower() return ext in valid_extensions

def process_image(image_path,width,height,img_format): img=img.resize((width,height)) output_filename=f"{uuid.uuid4()}.{img_format}" output_path=os.path.join('output',output_filename),img_format.upper()) return [output_path]

if name=="main": if not os.path.exists('output'): os.makedirs('output')