ProAlgos / ProAlgos-Cpp

C++ implementations of well-known (and some rare) algorithms, while following good software development practices
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Addition of graph based Algorithms #457

Open architO21 opened 8 months ago

architO21 commented 8 months ago

I noticed that the algorithms section does not contain algorithms based on graph. I would like to work on this issue and add algorithms such as Breadth-first Search, Depth-first Search Djkstras, Edmond Karp etc. Please assign me this issue so that I can start working on it.

stale[bot] commented 6 months ago

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srsonia2506 commented 2 months ago

I would second this! Happy to help

faheel commented 2 months ago

For graphs algorithms, we would first have to implement different types of graphs (each in a separate .hpp file under cpp/include/data_structure/graph). You can take a look at the implementation of binary search tree for reference.

Before implementing feel free to share below a skeleton of how the graph data structure's class would look like (including names and types/signatures of data members and member functions) for different types of graphs.