ProNextJS / declarative-routing

NextJS Typesafe Routing System
MIT License
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[Proposal] Add Navigate feature #41

Open bstivenprz opened 23 hours ago

bstivenprz commented 23 hours ago

Hey there!

I propose to add Navigate component from react-router-dom to makeRoute, something like this:

export default function AuthenticationLayout() {
  if (!authenticated)
    return <LoginRoute.Navigate />;

  return <HomeRoute.Navigate />;

I made this changes for my own:

export type RouteBuilder<
  Params extends z.ZodSchema,
  Search extends z.ZodSchema
> = {
  Navigate: React.FC<
    Omit<NavigateProps, "to"> & z.input<Params> & { search?: z.input<Search> }

routeBuilder.Navigate = function RouteLink({
  search: linkSearch,
}: Omit<NavigateProps, "to"> & z.input<Params> & { search?: z.input<Search> }) {
  const params = info.params.parse(props);
  const extraProps = { ...props };
  for (const key of Object.keys(params)) {
    delete extraProps[key];
  return (
      to={routeBuilder(info.params.parse(props), linkSearch)}

This would work great for this cases. Works for me.

What do you think?


jherr commented 16 hours ago

Is this just for the React-router?

jherr commented 16 hours ago

This would probably be better as a PR.