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Pinterest #3

Open AlinGpro opened 6 years ago

AlinGpro commented 6 years ago

Facem Board-uri pentru fiecare domeniu/serviciu pe care il avem

Si flikr, instagram

AlinGpro commented 6 years ago

exista promoted pins. Verific care sunt pt RO si pun ceva similar ai sa apar in lista de dedesubt

AlinGpro commented 6 years ago

ou have an interesting story to tell with images and videos. I could argue that most companies do, or that they could create an interesting story to tell. Even General Electric—not a company that would typically spring to mind as being able to do anything interesting with a Pinterest profile—has created cool pinboards like “Brilliance in Motion” that tell their story in visually interesting ways. What kind of visual story can you tell about your business that will help customers get to know you and humanize your brand? You want to establish yourself as an expert on your topic. Pinterest is a fantastic platform for content curation, and smart companies are using it for that purpose. If you regularly share content via tweets or Facebook updates, you can extend that sharing to your Pinterest platform by using pins and boards as a social bookmarking tool.

AlinGpro commented 6 years ago

pinuri cu imaginile profesionistilor de profil

AlinGpro commented 6 years ago

Confirm your website Confirming your website allows you to see what people Pin from your website, and adds your logo to any Pins made from your site. Confirming your website will also boot your Pins’ rankings in search results.

From Pinterest settings, scroll down to the Profile section and click Confirm website. Copy and paste the provided text into the HTML of your website’s index page. Click Finish.