ProTipHQ / ProTip

A browser extension for tipping, donations, and peer-to-peer crowd-funding
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use compiled module based depedencies #17

Closed bnvk closed 4 years ago

bnvk commented 6 years ago

Currently, ProTip loads JS and CSS files that are committed to the repository directly and then statically linked with <link> or <script> tags in the <head> of the HTML files.

Since commit 5becbd26641e1e7f4d072f5de09d212524b20382 introduced Gulp and package.json we will be migrating to assets to being installed via package manager and compiled on build task.

bnvk commented 6 years ago

The currently statically linked dependencies I will be replacing with modules are:

Dependency Current Version Module Version
bigi.min.js ??? bigi 1.4.2
bitcoinjs-lib.min.js 3.1.1 bitcoinjs-lib 3.3.2
bootstrap css + js 3.3.2 bootstrap 4.0.0
browser-polyfill.js 0.2.1 webextension-polyfill 0.2.1
cryptojs.min.js 3.1.2 cryptojslib 3.1.2
date.js 1.2.3 dateformat 3.0.3
font-awesome.min.js 4.3.0 font-awesome 4.7.0
jquery-2.1.3.min.js 2.1.3 jquery 3.3.1
jquery.validate.min.js 1.13.1 jquery-validation 1.17.0
promise.min.js ??? promise 8.0.1
qrcode.js ??? qrcode-generator 1.3.1
switchery css + js ??? switchery 0.0.2
underscore-min.js 1.5.0 lodash 4.17.5
ydn-db.min.js ??? ydn.db 1.3.0

The remaining JS lib files not in NPM are from BitcoinWallet by Andrew Toth:


BitcoinWallet has not had any commits since 2014 and is not in the NPM registry. I'm not sure the best path forward with these, but it might be to create a NPM module.

However, to resolve #18 it might be prudent to see if there are other JS libs that do what Toth's code does, but already SegWit enabled instead of upgrading Toth's codebase.

bnvk commented 6 years ago

Having made a bunch of progress refactoring things- all original code and assets for ProTip now live in /src directory. Upon running development instructions to build and package, there will be the following directory structure.


The majority of the modules (listed above) get compiled via browserify into bundle.js file. However, some CSS & JS modules still get loaded via <head> of the site, these get copied over using gulp-npm-dist and the gulp libs command.