Probe-Particle / PPSTM

Code simulating variousSTM techniques, especially for tilting tip (dependent on
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How to remove the black dots on the dI/dV Mapping? #3

Closed WangLulu97 closed 2 years ago

WangLulu97 commented 2 years ago


After using the GUI to produce the image of the dI/dV mapping, there are black and white dots on it which represent the position of the atoms. Is there any method to remove these dots and only leave the mapping image?

Besides, when I use CP2K input, sometimes the mapping image seems flipped from the original xyz position (which makes it cannot align with the black and white dots). Is it common? And may need small post-processing of the output files or the output images?

Thank you!

Best regards, Lulu

WangLulu97 commented 2 years ago

I think the mapping image is up-down flipped from the original xyz position.

LauriKurki commented 2 years ago


At the moment there is no way to disable atom plotting but we are developing a check box in the GUI for this purpose, should be out soon.

For the second issue, is the mapping flipped always, or only sometimes? Could you provide the input files, please?

Best, Lauri Kurki

LauriKurki commented 2 years ago


latest version of PPSTM now has the option to disable atom plotting in the GUI.

Best, Lauri Kurki

WangLulu97 commented 2 years ago


Thanks for your new GUI update! Now I can disable atom plotting in the GUI.

I have tried the new GUI, and it won't flip the image. For the old GUI, it still up-down flips the image. But I think the problem has been fixed by the new So do you still need the input files?

Thank you again! Really thanks!

Best regards, Lulu

LauriKurki commented 2 years ago


good to hear, in that case I don't need them! My guess is that the issue was caused by a deprecated argument in the plotting function which is also now fixed.

Closing the issue.

Best, Lauri