ProbusThrax / ETT

Engineering Tech Tree
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Added Cormorant Aeronology, moved USI Sounding rockets #48

Open Grunf911 opened 8 years ago

Grunf911 commented 8 years ago

I have Moved USI Sounding rocket parts - Nosecone, and few others from start to Model rockets node, as it makes more sense

Also i have added

Artfactial commented 8 years ago

Looks like you used the release version as a master instead of the dev version here on the Github.:) Changes look good otherwise. Made a note for the Airlock.

Grunf911 commented 8 years ago

This is the first time i am using github so honestly i have no idea what i am doing, just hoping i dont mess stuff up

Grunf911 commented 8 years ago

Can you write me few lines how to do it properly. I will wait till you integrate changes before i download new version so we dont overlap. Assume the following when writing stuff.

  1. I used to work with SVE, however GIT is confusing for me
  2. Please specify exact page i need to be to get latest version, and how to do it.

I plan to add around 10-15 mods more, so just fyi, and i need to do it sometime during this weekend, but definitely before wednesday.