ProcessManagement / Process

This repository is for implementing Process Management within Erls
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Report (Daily) Management #12

Open dineshkummarc opened 9 years ago

dineshkummarc commented 9 years ago

Report (Daily) Management Hi USERNAME, Please find below, the work report for this week: Product_Name_with_Version_Build 1) Test Run/ Test Build: #Number 2) Product Version/Edition/Build#: 3) Test Run/ Test Build % completed: 87% 4 ) Total # of Test Cases: 1 a. Created: 0 b. Updated: 1 c. Disabled: 0 d. Blocked: 0 e. Skipped: 0 5) Total # of Bugs/TC Worked: 2 (Bugs) / 61 TC (Worked) a. Total # of Closed/Passed: 1 (Closed) / 54 TC (Passed) b. Total # of Reopened/ Failed: 0 (Reopen)/ 7 (Failed) c. Total # of Findings/ Blocked: 1 (Findings) / 0 (Blocked) d. Total # of Duplicate/ Skipped: 1 (Duplicate) / 0 (Skipped) e. Total # of Invalid/ Deleted: 1 (Invalid) / 0 (Deleted) 6) Total # of New Bugs: 7) Comments: a) TestRun Execution on Product_XYZ Build1306 on Stack126 using I.E. 11.0. b) Cloned a Bug to Create #TR9095 Later closed due Translation not supported. Thanks & Regards, Reporter

ghost commented 9 years ago

Good ! must compliance with our scrum policy ..

dineshkummarc commented 9 years ago
