Procurement-PoE / Procurement

Path Of Exile Character & Stash Management Tool
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Error downloading account name #1116

Closed Intelligencewow closed 3 years ago

Intelligencewow commented 3 years ago

[06-08-2020 19:34] Failed to build HTTP request and get response for: method=GET, url='', allowAutoRedirects=, requestData='': O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (503) Servidor Não Disponível. [06-08-2020 19:34] Failed to build HTTP request and get response for: method=GET, url='', allowAutoRedirects=, requestData='': O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (401) Não Autorizado. [06-08-2020 19:34] Error downloading account name, exception details: System.Net.WebException: O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (401) Não Autorizado. em System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() em POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.BuildHttpRequestAndGetResponse(HttpMethod method, String url, Nullable1 allowAutoRedirects, String requestData) em POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.PerformHttpRequest(HttpMethod method, String url, Nullable1 allowAutoRedirects, String requestData) em POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.GetAccountName(String realm) em POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetAccountName(String realm) [06-08-2020 19:34] System.Exception: Error downloading account name, details logged to DebugInfo.log. Please open a ticket at and include your DebugInfo.log em POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetAccountName(String realm) em Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.b__0() em System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

bibito210 commented 3 years ago

same error too . and cant get sseion id now on browsers

thailyn commented 3 years ago

I see 503 and 401 errors in the log, which means there's a (hopefully temporary) problem on GGG's end, and Procurement is asking for an invalid URL (which I think is related to authentication problems), respectively. Please try again soon, potentially with a new Session ID.

What do you mean you can't get a Session ID now in browsers?

chrlsfrmg commented 1 year ago

managed to solve?