Procurement-PoE / Procurement

Path Of Exile Character & Stash Management Tool
Artistic License 2.0
331 stars 135 forks source link

"There was an unhandled error " #1117

Closed Batta1501 closed 2 years ago

Batta1501 commented 3 years ago

There was an unhandled error - sorry! Please create a ticket on github If the crash occured after Procurement was done downloading, zip and include your .tab files. I attached my 4 Hesit tabs and my debug log DebugInfo.log

jekanov00 commented 3 years ago

I have the same error! I think it appears if I do nothing for some time

pablovikingo commented 3 years ago

Hey i have the same error, has i tested it seem to be an error caused by some Heist league items, hope Sticky fixes soon or the only way will be buying some premium tabs

Aiierator commented 3 years ago


thailyn commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the bug report, guys. I found a crash when hovering over contracts/blueprints, as well as possibly older items. I have a fix for that in #1118, and you can download a version with that patched in to test here. I believe this will mess up how some item tooltips are displayed, but Procurement should at least not crash. I'll work on a better solution when I get a chance.

If you're still encountering an error, please provide a description of what you are doing when the error occurs, in addition to the DebugInfo.log file. Thanks!

jekanov00 commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much! It didn't crash for time I've used it.