Procurement-PoE / Procurement

Path Of Exile Character & Stash Management Tool
Artistic License 2.0
331 stars 135 forks source link

Error #1121

Closed YaProstoUmniy closed 1 year ago

YaProstoUmniy commented 3 years ago


SomeNameIDunno commented 3 years ago

I believe I have the same issue

thailyn commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. Can you attach your DebugInfo.log file? That will have more details about the issue. Also, what were you doing when the error happened?

YaProstoUmniy commented 3 years ago


thailyn commented 3 years ago

The DebugInfo.log file doesn't give much information, which suggest the error is happening soon after Procurement starts. I can't replicate the issue, however. What are you doing when the error happens? If you can attach the .bin files for your account, that would help, too.

thailyn commented 3 years ago

I realized this is probably the same issue as in #1117. Please test out the patch I wrote to fix this, available here. (This PR was approved and merged, but there is no new Procurement version released yet.)

SomeNameIDunno commented 3 years ago

The fix works